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Thread: Nordstrom Rack

  1. #76

    Default Re: Nordstrom Rack to Belle Isle Station

    Quote Originally Posted by Plutonic Panda View Post
    Well, I agree about Nordstrom being a great addition to our market here. I do think this will lead to a full sized store here. OKC is really stepping up it's game and I believe it's only matter of time before we see other great stores start to pop up here.
    If Von Maur does real well, it may show upscale retailers there is a market for it here and eventually lead to a Nordstrom or Saks.

    The retail world doesn't realize it yet, but I believe that if Tulsa can support something, OKC can and then some.

  2. #77

    Default Re: Nordstrom Rack to Belle Isle Station

    If the Belle isle Power Plant had been near downtown like the one in Baltimore or the Seaholm plant in Austin, you probably could have make the economics work. Since it wasn't in a higher property value area the comps for it are suburban office/retail buildings in the area, it wasn't feasible. I know that Benham looked at buying it and making it into our offices but they couldn't make the numbers work. The bulk of the cost was environmental remediation, in fact that is what was the majority of the cost of the property as the facility was shut down long before those rules came into effect. The remediation for Seaholm (which I came close to changing jobs to work on that project before moving to Denver) was performed by the City of Austin as it was an Austin Energy (city utility) facility built between 1950-55 and was operational until 1989. Belle Isle was built in 1907 and shut down before Seaholm was built, when the city is paying for remediation (like with Seaholm) it can help make the pro forma work.

  3. #78

    Default Re: Nordstrom Rack to Belle Isle Station

    Quote Originally Posted by bchris02 View Post
    Nice Wal-Marts are an exception rather than the rule. The one in Belle Isle is horrible, almost as bad as the one on N Penn and Memorial.

    Even ones that have a nice appearance like the WMNM at Penn and Britton, have such horrible service its a deal breaker for me. It's 6PM, evening rush, and only 1 cashier working? Crest Foods generally has most of their checkout lines open during peak times and therefore you move through pretty quickly.
    I can't argue with you on customer service. I've been so mad at them before it is unreal. Maybe it's karma coming back and biting in the ass for answering the store phones and pretending to work there back when I younger. I would go with my friends and walk around the store and answer the phone and act stupid. It was hilarious at the time, but boy I bet we pissed some people off real good. :P

    BTW, if you haven't already, I'd recommend watching a few Walmart pranks or people of Walmart videos on Youtube. There was one video that had 15 million views and was a Walmart of OKC edition and had various people walking around. There are some WEIRDOS out there, me included.

  4. #79

    Default Re: Nordstrom Rack to Belle Isle Station

    Like I said in my first post, it would be nice to see a Costco come here and take that Wal-Mart space, if we're playing fantasy retail. The bad service at WM and disorganized stores aren't just here! Look at this from two weeks ago Customers Flee Wal-Mart Empty Shelves for Target, Costco - Bloomberg

  5. #80

    Default Re: Nordstrom Rack to Belle Isle Station

    Quote Originally Posted by zookeeper View Post
    The difference between Wal-Mart and Costco is huge. One is a membership store with leadership that is completely different than the people over in Bentonville.
    Pretty much what I figured. It's a political reason that you want Costco instead of Wal-Mart. Sam's is also a membership store but I bet you'd have problems with that too. Costco gets the hipster vote because it's headquartered in Kings County Wa. instead of redneck, red state, backwater Bentonville, Arkansas.

  6. #81

    Default Re: Nordstrom Rack to Belle Isle Station

    Guys, we are way, way off topic here.

    This thread is for Nordstrom Rack. Thanks.

  7. #82
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    Default Re: Nordstrom Rack to Belle Isle Station

    This actually seems like a pretty big footprint for a Rack.

  8. #83

    Default Re: Nordstrom Rack to Belle Isle Station

    Looks like they've started working on that building. They are currently repainting it and doing some work inside now

  9. #84

    Default Re: Nordstrom Rack to Belle Isle Station

    I drove by today and the ceiling tile grid is up. It is an empty box other than that right now.

  10. #85

    Default Re: Nordstrom Rack to Belle Isle Station

    Drove by htere last week it struck me that the space is still empty...progress on this seems to be extremely slow. They had started almost a year ago???? We were talking about them getting it knocked out and open by Christmas of last year...maybe by Christmas this year???

  11. #86

    Default Re: Nordstrom Rack to Belle Isle Station

    This, the Microsoft Store and the Von Maur is very weird. I know they are pretty much done deals, they just seem really shaky. I just don't like projects that move really slowly, esp. the ones where you can't really see the "progress" being made. Just makes me think they're up in air and could fall anytime.

  12. #87

    Default Re: Nordstrom Rack to Belle Isle Station

    Haven't read through this whole chain - but there's a sign up for it now. Sorry if this is a repost.

  13. #88

    Default Re: Nordstrom Rack to Belle Isle Station

    Quote Originally Posted by Plutonic Panda View Post
    This, the Microsoft Store and the Von Maur is very weird. I know they are pretty much done deals, they just seem really shaky. I just don't like projects that move really slowly, esp. the ones where you can't really see the "progress" being made. Just makes me think they're up in air and could fall anytime.
    I have heard its typical for Von Maur locations to be very slow to open simply because of the quality of construction that goes into them.

    Microsoft on the other hand...

  14. #89

    Default Re: Nordstrom Rack to Belle Isle Station

    The Nordstrom Rack sign is up at Belle Isle Station sign at the intersection of Classen and Northwest Expressway.

  15. #90

    Default Re: Nordstrom Rack to Belle Isle Station

    Quote Originally Posted by bchris02 View Post
    I have heard its typical for Von Maur locations to be very slow to open simply because of the quality of construction that goes into them.
    Especially considering that old Sears store needs a lot of work done to it.

  16. #91

    Default Re: Nordstrom Rack to Belle Isle Station

    I saw it today as well. Should've took a picture, just wasn't thinking about it.

  17. #92

    Default Re: Nordstrom Rack to Belle Isle Station

    I really find lots of good quality stuff at the Rack. I shop at the Northpark Dallas Park Lane location which is my favorite one. I also shop at the one in Plano near my home. This will be a good addition to the retail scene in OKC and feel it will be a hit. I have heard that Von Maur is very similar to a regular Nordstrom.

  18. #93

    Default Re: Nordstrom Rack to Belle Isle Station

    The Rack is officially opening on September 12!!!!! Just checked their site to see if they updated their new store opening page and can't wait any longer

  19. #94

    Default Re: Nordstrom Rack to Belle Isle Station

    From today, courtesy of Metro:

  20. #95

    Default Re: Nordstrom Rack to Belle Isle Station

  21. #96

    Default Re: Nordstrom Rack to Belle Isle Station

    That will be nice. Wish they would've included some landscaping in the parking lot, but this will be a great addition to OKC.

  22. #97

    Default Re: Nordstrom Rack to Belle Isle Station

    Quote Originally Posted by Plutonic Panda View Post
    That will be nice. Wish they would've included some landscaping in the parking lot, but this will be a great addition to OKC.
    I agree, but it's not like it would have made much of a difference being the Belle Isle shopping center. Nordstrom Rack though typically goes into centers like that. The one in Charlotte went into a struggling shopping center off S Park Ave, which is not the most upscale center or area.

  23. #98

    Default Re: Nordstrom Rack to Belle Isle Station

    Quote Originally Posted by bchris02 View Post
    I agree, but it's not like it would have made much of a difference being the Belle Isle shopping center. Nordstrom Rack though typically goes into centers like that. The one in Charlotte went into a struggling shopping center off S Park Ave, which is not the most upscale center or area.
    While we not care for the aesthetics of Belle Isle I certainly wouldn't characterize it as a struggling shopping center.

  24. #99

    Default Re: Nordstrom Rack to Belle Isle Station

    I really don't like the way the brown clashes with the grey. It won't stop me or anyone else from shopping there so it's really a non-issue, but I just wanted to say it & get it off my chest.

  25. #100

    Default Re: Nordstrom Rack to Belle Isle Station

    Quote Originally Posted by ljbab728 View Post
    While we not care for the aesthetics of Belle Isle I certainly wouldn't characterize it as a struggling shopping center.
    I don't believe he was, he was using Charlotte as an example that a nice shopping center is not a requirement for them. While not saying Belle Isle is bad either.

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