Passin on some info for local film fans:
deadCENTER Film is pleased to present its final installment of spotLIT for 2006! The final spotLIT of the year will be Wednesday, November 1st at the LiT Bar, 208 E Sheridan in Bricktown, from 8 to 10 p.m. SpotLIT is one of multiple year round screening opportunities deadCENTER Film runs outside of its yearly festival

November’s spotLIT will be an all Okie blow-out featuring some of the best Oklahoma films from the past festivals. Some of the filmmakers featured are Joe Bohrer, Sterling Harjo, Shawn Downey, Shogo, Kate Christensen, Pete Sleeper, Robert Dorhman, The Bering, and Steven Shelton.

There is no charge for spotLIT and you must be 21 to enter. For more information, call our deadCENTER offices at 405-246-9233 or check us out online at deadCENTER film festival home.