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Well it is a bond issue building. You can never get enough money together to build the entire school at once. You won't see a fully complete Southmoore for several years. That doesn't mean that they should have left a building empty without students though. The whole move was done in reflection to the requirement for 9th graders being at the high schools. There's a federal guideline about college preparation that was the driving force why districts like Mid-Del and Moore moved 9th graders up. Mid-Del actually did it intelligently by adding on to their 3 high schools, with very nice 9th grader wings that sort of isolate them some from the other classes...even with different bell schedules so they don't "intermingle".
Anyway, in moore, they built Southmoore because of the projections in growth of the student population in the district. Within 5 years, all 3 schools will be pushing the 2000 student mark. Items like the auditorium and athletic facilites aren't neccessary to educate the students. Heck, Moore still doesn't have an auditorium and won't until that bond issue has raised it's funds for construction....along with the funds for Westmoore's fieldhouse. The new OKCPS high school's had similar issues when they first opened, but they are being addressed.
Give the disrtict time folks. All they need is a few years so they have the money to do it. You can't blame them for not being able to get money together to complete the project perfectly. How often does anything government related happen on time and in budget? Plus there's still a 5th jr high that they are going to add. Once that shuffles all of the students around again. As I understand it, once the new jr. high is built, that's when they'll move the 6th graders up too.
I know we're not used to giving districts the benefit of the doubt, but it's just too soon to judge this situation. Maps for Kids had many more years to get funding built up before they started....and remember they are still in the process. There is a law that limits how much money you can put into a project in a bond issue, and it doesn't cover everything for a school. Think about how much it takes for a 6A school....desks, chairs, uniforms, band instruments, art supplies, computers, infrastructure, etc......millions more than is legal in a single election.