I was at the original Moore War my senior year in 1988. That will ALWAYS be the REAL Moore War! My son should be in the first graduating class at Southmoore (I was in the first Westmoore graduating class), so my tune may change in a couple years![]()
I was at the original Moore War my senior year in 1988. That will ALWAYS be the REAL Moore War! My son should be in the first graduating class at Southmoore (I was in the first Westmoore graduating class), so my tune may change in a couple years![]()
Well, I think the point is that in terms of statewide competition, the central/west Oklahoma schools have been handicapped by their "fragmentation" (for lack of a better term), while the eastern/northeastern schools (Jenks, Broken Arrow, etc) have benefitted from the fact that their each just one enormous school. If you dilute the enrollment across multiple schools, you naturally dilute the talent base, that's all.Putnam City has been doing it for years...
When I graduated Moore in 1982, we had a senior class of (I think) 1,042 students....seems like that was the biggest single graduating class in the state that year, don't remember. There may have been one or two classes after us that were larger, but after that time the numbers dropped, and then once Westmoore opened the numbers dipped even further...
well you are both right,,, wm in 92 but cut us into thirds and we are edmond
I've been a proponent of school consolidation in OKC for some time. Every time we divide our schools up here in OKC, we give our kids a dissadvantage because the Tulsa schools won't ever split. Think of the resources and cost savings associated with a single high school in a district?
Places like PC, Mid-Del, Norman, Moore, Edmond....we'd all be bigger than the Tulsa Schools and would be able to win all of the arts/athletic events. Not to mention that there would be a unified in-district feel instead of the split (our school is better than yours) idea now. Plus the neighborhoods get tied to a single school and it starts a downward trend that could be better absorbed in a single school...level the playing field for all.
Resources....think about large universities and how their resources affect their students. The same can be transferred down to a high school. Offer more AP and Honors courses because of the larger student base, better science labs, etc. Fewer buildings to maintain, fewer custodial and grounds workers, things like that. A lot of these districts already share football stadiums, why not one single large gym (like the UMAC at union), and a really nice large auditorium (Like PC North).
It just bugs me to see schools split and cut kids out like this!! ARGH!
granted consolidation will concentrate talent under one roof, but that would come at the cost of quality of education. however, i don't think that the central mission of a highschool is to have the best football team or the best band... a school's central mission (imo) should be to provide the student with an education that gives him the tools to succeed in life. i therefore think it's in the student's best interest to be in a highschool of fewer than 1000. while economies of scale can be better applied to larger campuses, the student is not afforded as personal of an education... it's harder to stand out when he is one of a few thousand. -M
I would disagree about the quality of education. That's a matter of class-size, not school size. Otherwise, we wouldn't have these big schools with such great students in them. Standing out doesn't equal a good education either. I would never agree about a school under 1000. That knocks out every 6A school, and I think most would admit that the 6A'ers are getting some of the best education around. There's no way I would let my child attend a 2A or 3A.
I'll be interested to know how the lines affect the bands...which school it will pull from more. And how they are going to handle the fact they still have 5 middle schools and need another one.
Just had to offer my HooRah here....Being from Moore and graduating in 75....back when we had just one High School...
My 9th grade year I attended Central and that was the first time the 9th grade was divided...Part of us went to the High School...I think it was the next year we had Highland West....Our first other Jr.High...
Moore has grown so so much...and I am proud...Southmoore Sabercats sounds Great...and the colors...Wow...
All my children did Graduate from The Original Moore...and I now have 4 grandsons that are or will be attending the Moore Schools...Now I just have to get my Daughter to move her 3 children here....to make it complete...I think that she wants to make that happen before her Daughter reaches Middle school in the Putman City Schools...
Go Moore...
And for all those Alumni..that remember the school songs..
Do you remember your Junior High song..
I still remember Centrals...don't know if they have changed it or not...
Can't remember what we had for dinner last night..but....Like I said..not blonde...just a covered up gray...
The boundaries are on the Moore Schools web site:
Also, Southmoore has their site up and running within the same Moore Schools site. When I saw it a few months back, the colors were different. Now it seems like they've updated it in the actual school colors:
Southmoore High School
Its kind of hard to make out with all the street name on the map. So it looks like Westmoore will lose more kids than Moore. Is that accurate?
That map is horrible. Would be nice if they would shade the areas for each school instead of just using hard to see borders.
For those of us who don't want to register or who can't figure out the map..where exactly is this gonna be? It looks realllly nice!
On Santa Fe, south of 19th St. Pretty close to 34th.
Anyone notice the proposed twin lake to Draper. It looks like they will touch with a dam connecting.
Russell- that is interesting.
I'm just trying to wrap my mind around the district map... where do the people who live in the area of the proposed lake go to jr high? Central?
Anybody know anything about the other lake? West Elm, I think they called it? (Sorry if this is too off topic.)
I remember at one time, they were talking about making Draper BIGGER...Hmmm And never did...maybe they decided to just build another lake...instead...
In fact I just asked my husband and he said that about 30 years ago or more they bought a bunch of land out there to make the lake bigger..His best friends Dad owned land out there that he had to sell....
Did a little research and most of the info on the Draper expansion is from the 70's, didn't see anything recent. Might just be that they used an old map that still had it listed. There are a number of new homes out there, can't see them flooding them.
here's a recent pdf of planning for the southeast 'sector' of okc. the information regarding the proposed reservoir starts around page 20:
Thanks mmm!
I'd seen parts of the sector plan but not the whole document. So it looks like the expansion is 20+ years out.
I'm glad this came out now. It shows how that sector of the city is much more alive than people thought.
That map is incredibly confusing. Are the colored areas showing the high school regions, or are the green dotted lines the boundaries??
edit: Ok, read the legend, but its still a stupid boundary. My kids will drive almost directly past Moore West JH to be driven two extra miles to Brink JH? that's DUMB...
You think that's dumb SoonerDave....take a trip down to Norman. They built a jr. high across the street from another one and bus ALL the kids in from another part of Norman to go there. How crazy is that??? Norman PS has all kinds of stuff screwed up. Sometimes I wonder what the people that run the place are smoking.
I overlayed the map on google earth and I couldn't find any new homes that are in the lake. I checked the County Assessors webiste to see who owned that land. The city owns almost all (probably 95%There are a number of new homes out there, can't see them flooding them.of the land already. I only found a few mobile homes that are on land where the lake will partially cover the land, but not where the mobile home is.
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