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Thread: The Edge Condos - Is it closed?

  1. #1

    Default The Edge Condos - Is it closed?

    I was browsing reddit this afternoon, and saw someone post about how the Edge apartments are listed as closed on google, and the website is no longer active. I'm just curious if this is actually the case? I lived in a friends condo there in college, and wonder if maybe they just are no longer renting units. It is hard to believe that the whole thing would just shut down.

  2. Default Re: The Edge Condos - Is it closed?

    Quote Originally Posted by formerly405Tulsan View Post
    I was browsing reddit this afternoon, and saw someone post about how the Edge apartments are listed as closed on google, and the website is no longer active. I'm just curious if this is actually the case? I lived in a friends condo there in college, and wonder if maybe they just are no longer renting units. It is hard to believe that the whole thing would just shut down.
    If you're talking about The Edge Apartments in Midtown, they are still very much open:


  3. #3

    Default Re: The Edge Condos - Is it closed?

    ^I think they are asking about the Edge in Norman. The website for that is https://www.edgenorman.com/ and it appears to be set to private at the moment. Not a good sign.

    Seems like every city has an apartment called The Edge at the moment. I know there's one in Tulsa too.

  4. Default Re: The Edge Condos - Is it closed?

    The Edge (in Norman) are condos. An investment group bought the chunk of final units owned by the original developers in ~2014 and operated them like typical student housing (per bedroom, on site manager, gendered units, etc.). They slowly started selling them when the market was at its peak and I believe they only own a few units now and have gotten rid of the on-site manager and are just renting them like normal. DMG manages the condo association.

  5. #5

    Default Re: The Edge Condos - Is it closed?

    Google maps is showing it as permanently closed.

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