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Thought i would add some more information after other threads added some more details.
Indian Hills IS staying intact. The interchange will be over I-35 and does include retaining Indian Hills. The turnpike will run parallel to IHRd moving from being north to south of its and waving around. I believe the only exit will be at Sooner, but NOT an interchange there. Just an on/off ramp in both directions. There is no "frontage". IHR IS the frontage, but with little access from the turnpike.
Moore did a terrible job of explaining the need for Telephone Rd to be made into 4 lane. It's partly in preparation for the IHR interchange being THE connection point to the turnpike for Moore residents. Since there's no 34th street access from 35, if you live in Moore and want to use the connector, you're going to go down that Telephone Rd path to get there. Or if you're north Moore, 35 or far east, Sooner. But with the added traffic this is going to create, it really is necessary to accommodate that. And, here's the big one. Once the interchange is settled, I guarantee you'll see something develop on that land where Andy Alligators was. Speculation is rampant on what will be there....and we've seen Ikea discussed but who knows if that's bull (but i think it would be great). But whatever ends up going in there, could be an anchor development for more around it....meaning more Moore traffic going up and down Telephone.
Before i found more of this out from my own research with the OTA website and other sources, I was going to vote No on this because it didn't seem necessary. However, i did change my mind and vote yes to both Moore proposals this morning. I wish the city had done a better job explaining it though.