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Thread: Social Pickle (SE corner 63rd/MLK)

  1. Default Re: Social Pickle (SE corner 63rd/MLK)

    Quote Originally Posted by Pete View Post
    I will reiterate: By the time a TIF grant hits a public agenda—as this one did some time ago—it is 100% approved; I'm not aware of any of them (hundreds) not being rubber-stamped.

    These decisions are made behind closed doors between the head of the Alliance and the developer, then often City Council and any other body where approval is needed is briefed -- again outside public eyes -- and therefore by the time anyone is aware, these things are already a done deal.

    There are no bounds to TIF. We keep creating new ones and the minute a project like this falls outside existing boundaries, they are quickly redrawn. Reminder the original TIF district was for NE 23rd and the immediate area. This project is at 63rd.

    It's always the same handful of people who get these freebies; after decades of development, every single project still has a 7-15% 'funding gap' that has to be plugged with taxpayer money.
    This is unfortunate. The rich get richer...

  2. #52

    Default Re: Social Pickle (SE corner 63rd/MLK)

    What I dont get, isnt the volleyball facility already partially built? And this TIF money is for this volleyball facility? Did they just realize 50% of the way through they have a financing gap?

    Edit: upon reading article I guess this is for the entire development and not just volleyball. Its still odd that the volleyball facility, the anchor of this development and most likely the most expensive part of it, was started and then they came asking for TIF money. Once again, just make all of OKC city limits a TIF district if this is the way.

  3. #53

    Default Re: Social Pickle (SE corner 63rd/MLK)

    Also, even though Andy Burnett is the one fronting this, the Chickasaws are the real money behind this development.

  4. #54

    Default Re: Social Pickle (SE corner 63rd/MLK)

    Quote Originally Posted by Pete View Post
    Also, even though Andy Burnett is the one fronting this, the Chickasaws are the real money behind this development.
    This is a completely false statement. The Chickasaws only sold the land and have zero investment in the deal.

  5. #55

    Default Re: Social Pickle (SE corner 63rd/MLK)

    Quote Originally Posted by Heartokc View Post
    This is a completely false statement. The Chickasaws only sold the land and have zero investment in the deal.
    Thanks for the correction. I confirmed this with Andy Burnett.

    However, the Chichasaws still own all the property other than where the volleyball facility is being constructed. So, they have some sort of deal worked out.

  6. Default Re: Social Pickle (SE corner 63rd/MLK)

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  7. Default Re: Social Pickle (SE corner 63rd/MLK)

    View from the inside.

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