Doesn't actually look like the pickleball complex has started yet. Those are the 2 volleyball buildings (larger is indoor volleyball, smaller is sand).
This project is set to get $1.5 million in TIF, which requires completely redoing the boundaries for the NE TIF district.
wouldn't this pull from the getting ready to be created Adventure District TIF(s)
Nope, they are redrawing the boundaries of the NE District specifically for this project.
I don't think it's just for the pickleball facility. And it is the fastest growing sport in the country, by far. And OKC is woefully short on the number of courts. This will be a very good investment, as the volleyball area will hold many tournaments, as well, both sand and indoor. Those people travel, as well, so area hotels and restaurants will benefit.
Not sure what your complaint is on this one. $1.5 million is a fart in a hurricane for OKC.
the fact the John pettis is involved in OKC gov in any way (even on a committee like this ) is crazy town ..
there are also rumors that he is going to try to run for the Nice council seat when she leaves next month .. Oklahoma City Councilman John Pettis pleaded guilty Wednesday to a misdemeanor count of failing to file state tax returns and was put on probation for five years.
Pettis agreed to pay a $5,000 fine as part of an arrangement with prosecutors. He also agreed to not seek public office again and to never be in a position to control public money, Oklahoma County District Attorney David Prater said.
Pettis has a current case pending for expungement of his crime, but the state has contended that he has to wait a full year after his probation period before he would be eligible.
When is the pickleball place supposed to begin construction?
Journal Article about TIF for this development.
"A USA Volleyball complex in northeast Oklahoma City will draw more than 3,000 people from a six-state area for certain events, developer Andy Burnett told the City Council this week. Burnett is seeking an allocation of $1.5 million in tax increment financing to close a gap in funding for the Boomtown Adventure District project. The TIF allocation is set for a council vote on Dec. 3."
I will reiterate: By the time a TIF grant hits a public agenda—as this one did some time ago—it is 100% approved; I'm not aware of any of them (hundreds) not being rubber-stamped.
These decisions are made behind closed doors between the head of the Alliance and the developer, then often City Council and any other body where approval is needed is briefed -- again outside public eyes -- and therefore by the time anyone is aware, these things are already a done deal.
There are no bounds to TIF. We keep creating new ones and the minute a project like this falls outside existing boundaries, they are quickly redrawn. Reminder the original TIF district was for NE 23rd and the immediate area. This project is at 63rd.
It's always the same handful of people who get these freebies; after decades of development, every single project still has a 7-15% 'funding gap' that has to be plugged with taxpayer money.
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