Have you been to Midland-Odessa? I drove through there once and stopped to get gas and holy moly the smell was just something I can’t describe. It wasn’t pleasant. It wasn’t horrible. But I was wasn’t a fan of it though I’m sure I would get used to it. If you have been is it anything like that? FWIW I’ve never been to Cushing but I’ve thought about driving there for the hell of it to see it.
Wichita used to have a smell near the WSU campus that was a combination of odors from the stockyards and beef packing plant AND the Derby oil refinery, depending upon which way the wind was blowing.
I also recall spending a night in Lubbock and waking up to eau de feed lot.
Try driving through Hereford Texas. It's called Hereford for a reason. IIRC it's about 8 or 10 miles of feed lots and cattle.
Is it time to retitle this thread to “Towns Whose Smells Disgust Me”? It doesn't seem to be a Canoo thread any more.
Does Canoo exists ?
I think it’s just turned into a “things that stink” thread. Canoo qualifies.
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