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Thread: April 2022 - General Weather Discussion

  1. #51

    Default Re: April 2022 - General Weather Discussion

    I imagine this was the type of winds they had during the dust bowl days.

  2. Default Re: April 2022 - General Weather Discussion

    What's that phenomena called where a group of people all forget the same thing?

    I've lived in Oklahoma for 43 years and for every one of those 43 years I've said "If you don't <insert outdoor activity> in the wind. You don't <insert outdoor activity> in Oklahoma.".

    Considering I've fished all 43 of those Springs here. I don't ever remember a Spring that I haven't cursed the wind.

  3. #53

    Default Re: April 2022 - General Weather Discussion

    Quote Originally Posted by HangryHippo View Post
    What’s causing all this sustained wind? I don’t remember it being this windy for this long.
    April is always our windiest month, but according to Mesonet data, our wind has been above average for April 2022. That makes it REALLY windy. As for the cause - not sure...


  4. #54

    Default Re: April 2022 - General Weather Discussion

    Next storm chance might be Friday evening. East of i-35 but as of right now with NO CAP at the start but probably will build in. Timing isn't right as of now for this system. However It's sometimes these events that don't get hyped for a week ahead of time that always seems to sneak up on everyone. They numbers are not off the charts but heck one thunderstorm warning will be more that what we had on Tuesday. JS.

  5. #55

    Default Re: April 2022 - General Weather Discussion

    I’m flying out of Will Rogers at 8:20 p.m. on Friday so lock it in tbh lol

  6. #56

    Default Re: April 2022 - General Weather Discussion

    I see you latest run of the Nam 3k. Throwing them storms in there around Sunset from Ponca City to Tulsa with them moving SE. I see you. At least you have something. I'm not expecting an outbreak but there might be a strong probably not severe but strong storm in that part of the state on Friday. More than we had Mon, Tuesday, Wednesday. We didn't even have rain on the big 3 day event. SMH

  7. #57

    Default Re: April 2022 - General Weather Discussion

    Tulsa be ready tomorrow from some big storms. OKC metro probably missing out again. We need the rain.

  8. #58

    Default Re: April 2022 - General Weather Discussion

    Anybody else here get concerned with how dry and hot it has been so far this spring? I’m having to fire up the sprinklers tonight as we have dirt cracks around the house. I know it’s early but I feel like we’ve been on the wrong side of the dry line a lot this year.

  9. #59

    Default Re: April 2022 - General Weather Discussion

    Short-range models keeping a supercell or two developing E of I-35 and tracking through E OK this evening. Tornado threat will be real with any cell heading into the night. Extremely slight chance a cell goes up near OKC, but likely we will just get some cool sunset photography of the thunderheads to our East.

    Our 25mph S winds today will turn into 20mph N winds for Saturday and be much cooler. A slight chance of a shower late Saturday into Sunday morning, but doesn't look like anything crazy.

  10. #60

    Default Re: April 2022 - General Weather Discussion

    Quote Originally Posted by C_M_25 View Post
    Anybody else here get concerned with how dry and hot it has been so far this spring? I’m having to fire up the sprinklers tonight as we have dirt cracks around the house. I know it’s early but I feel like we’ve been on the wrong side of the dry line a lot this year.
    It could be like 2011, where the hot/dry spring foreshadowed the hottest summer in OKC history, or it could be like 2017/18 which had similar hot and/or dry springtime conditions but perfectly reasonable summers. Just no way to know yet. The long-range outlooks have been leaning hot/dry through the summer but anything beyond two weeks or so has a wide margin of error.

  11. #61

    Default Re: April 2022 - General Weather Discussion

    I will never understand why they send chasers out so early for storms that probably won't even start until 8pm. I'm sure it's all for the TV hit at 4pm but still I could leave at 6 from OKC and in position tonight if anything does form in Tulsa.

  12. #62

    Default Re: April 2022 - General Weather Discussion

    Early ensemble models make next weekend look interesting - another dryline setup but perhaps with more instability and not as strong of a cap as this past week. Still a ways out but worth watching.

  13. #63

    Default Re: April 2022 - General Weather Discussion

    Quote Originally Posted by C_M_25 View Post
    Anybody else here get concerned with how dry and hot it has been so far this spring? I’m having to fire up the sprinklers tonight as we have dirt cracks around the house. I know it’s early but I feel like we’ve been on the wrong side of the dry line a lot this year.
    Very dependent on where you are in the state. OKC and westward has been drier than normal. Tulsa and Eastern OK has been pretty normal. Far eastern OK into Arkansas has been wetter than normal. All within a span of a few hundred miles.

  14. #64

    Default Re: April 2022 - General Weather Discussion

    Quote Originally Posted by BG918 View Post
    Very dependent on where you are in the state. OKC and westward has been drier than normal. Tulsa and Eastern OK has been pretty normal. Far eastern OK into Arkansas has been wetter than normal. All within a span of a few hundred miles.
    Oklahoma is pretty much the battleground between the Western US trending drier than normal and the Eastern US trending wetter than normal.

  15. #65

    Default Re: April 2022 - General Weather Discussion

    Quote Originally Posted by kukblue1 View Post
    I will never understand why they send chasers out so early for storms that probably won't even start until 8pm. I'm sure it's all for the TV hit at 4pm but still I could leave at 6 from OKC and in position tonight if anything does form in Tulsa.
    As someone who goes out and intercepts storms (I'm way too much of an amateur to actually call it chasing), I'd much prefer scrolling through my phone in a gas station parking lot for an hour or two than frantically trying to catch up to a storm that's already in progress. I'm sure that goes double for the actual professionals who need to get good footage for [insert news station here].

  16. #66

    Default Re: April 2022 - General Weather Discussion

    90% of the time I would agree but on a day like today where it's pretty cut and dry storms are going to go up around 9pm which the are by the way. Really no need to be out there at 4 when it's only an hour drive.

  17. #67
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    Default Re: April 2022 - General Weather Discussion

    Quote Originally Posted by SEMIweather View Post
    Oklahoma is pretty much the battleground between the Western US trending drier than normal and the Eastern US trending wetter than normal.
    I was in very far SW Oklahoma today and it is stunningly dry. They need rain BAD.

  18. #68

    Default Re: April 2022 - General Weather Discussion

    Quote Originally Posted by okatty View Post
    I was in very far SW Oklahoma today and it is stunningly dry. They need rain BAD.
    It’s nuts. Pretty much everywhere west of US-183 (south of Seiling) / US-281 (north of Seiling) is at 3” of precipitation or less over the last six months. Even OKC proper is only around 6-8”.

  19. #69
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    Default Re: April 2022 - General Weather Discussion

    ^Drought map tells the tale. Drove from OKC into Extreme area then down to Exceptional. Looks like a tinder box.


  20. #70

    Default Re: April 2022 - General Weather Discussion

    Quote Originally Posted by okatty View Post
    ^Drought map tells the tale. Drove from OKC into Extreme area then down to Exceptional. Looks like a tinder box.

    Then drive to SE OK and it looks like a lush rainforest

  21. #71

    Default Re: April 2022 - General Weather Discussion

    Good rain chances a few times this week. Definitely higher east (what’s new) but most of the state should see much-needed precip Wednesday and again Saturday.

  22. #72

    Default Re: April 2022 - General Weather Discussion

    Some weak showers and storms are coming out of the TX PH and into SW OK. These should slowly spread E this afternoon. Could get a quick drink here in OKC, but the best shot is along the Red River.

    Slight Risk for S into NE OK tomorrow for storms to develop. Chance is low, but exists.

  23. #73

    Default Re: April 2022 - General Weather Discussion

    The HRRR has nothing for the Metro tomorrow. The Nam 3k has one maybe 2 storms very close to the Metro. Any storm that goes up might be bad no probably will be bad but I think it's going to come down to how much the atmosphere can recover after morning clouds. Also how much moisture we get. No real rain again today cause our dewpoints were in the 40s so everything is so high based.

  24. #74

    Default Re: April 2022 - General Weather Discussion

    Today similar to Friday. Looks like majority will not see any storms. Best shot is out toward Tulsa and maybe a supercell going up near I-40 E of OKC.

  25. #75

    Default Re: April 2022 - General Weather Discussion

    The Weather Channel app has (thankfully) cut the rain chance for Sunday in half to about 40% - seeing the same thing, Anonymous, etc.? Hoping for a relatively dry marathon.

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