Originally Posted by
*warning, blatant political opinion post
Well i'm ok with anything governor turd does, mostly failing. Trump Jr is also a disgrace. If he can't convince his own party of something, he stands no chance crossing the aisle. But he's never been interested in that anyway, rather only trying to make people do what he wants for his own special interests. Master cronyism douche.
*steps off soapbox
As for betting, maybe including the online option is part of what's needed to get this moving the next time. Remember how it took a forced ballot measure by the people to override the state legislature preventing the lottery to be put on a ballot. Every time they fail to listen to their constituents and something gets on the ballot, they try their hardest to prevent it from happening again....cause you know, they must know better than the people very obviously telling them that they do not. I dont think there's enough of a push for this as for, say, recreational marijuana. So no i dont see this going to a people ballot measure. I just mention all of that because the nit-picking seems to be where the committee/floor debate is going.