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Thread: T. Boone Pickens

  1. #1

    Default T. Boone Pickens

  2. #2

    Default Re: T. Boone Pickens

    Quote Originally Posted by PhiAlpha View Post
    i will forever remember him for his Twitter conversation with Drake.. where he trolls drake after saying the first million is the hardest... where Pickens told him the first Billion is even harder... lol

  3. #3

    Default Re: T. Boone Pickens

    RIP to an Oklahoma legend. Truly a sad day.

  4. Default Re: T. Boone Pickens

    A Legend of Oklahoma and a great alumni of Oklahoma A&M.

  5. #5

    Default Re: T. Boone Pickens

    At the OSU game this past weekend they did a nice tribute to him. Interesting man who had an interesting life. RIP.

  6. #6

    Default Re: T. Boone Pickens

    Mike Gundy via Twitter:

    Mr. Pickens is a big part of our success and we’re all thankful for the lasting impact he’s had on Oklahoma State. It would have been difficult for us to climb as high as we have without him. He’ll be missed, but his legacy here will live on for a long time to come.

  7. #7

    Default Re: T. Boone Pickens

    Quote Originally Posted by jedicurt View Post
    i will forever remember him for his Twitter conversation with Drake.. where he trolls drake after saying the first million is the hardest... where Pickens told him the first Billion is even harder... lol

  8. #8

    Default Re: T. Boone Pickens

    So what happens to his billions, does OSU get a hefty payday?

  9. #9

    Default Re: T. Boone Pickens

    Quote Originally Posted by BG918 View Post
    So what happens to his billions, does OSU get a hefty payday?
    Maybe more money in the kitty to pay some higher rated recruits like OU does. And yes, this happens every day year in and year out in both football and basketball. You don't win championships you buy them.

    T-Boone was good for OSU but not to many others that he raided on. Lets not act like he was some kind of saint.

  10. #10

    Default Re: T. Boone Pickens

    Quote Originally Posted by OKCRT View Post
    Maybe more money in the kitty to pay some higher rated recruits like OU does. And yes, this happens every day year in and year out in both football and basketball. You don't win championships you buy them.

    T-Boone was good for OSU but not to many others that he raided on. Lets not act like he was some kind of saint.
    Bingo. There are likely many in Bartelsville, Pampa, and Borger celebrating his passing.

  11. #11

    Default Re: T. Boone Pickens

    Quote Originally Posted by SOONER8693 View Post
    Bingo. There are likely many in Bartelsville, Pampa, and Borger celebrating his passing.
    He screwed many along the way to his first billion that he liked to brag about. I mean c'mon, have some class T-Boone!

  12. #12

    Default Re: T. Boone Pickens


  13. Default Re: T. Boone Pickens

    Quote Originally Posted by gopokes88 View Post
    T Boone wasn't the nicest of people in his early days. He was a true corporate raider. In the last 30 years, he turned over a new leaf and made a new fortune in more traditional O&G, gave huge amounts to OSU, environmental causes and jumped in with both feet into wind energy generation.

    He was unique in that he was a fossil fuel producer (understanding that it was necessary to give time for a change) but also was, possibly, the biggest proponent of wind and solar power. He was a great example that people can change and is definitely one of the last of a dying breed of wildcatters.

    I got to meet him about 20 years ago and he was a genuinely nice man, but you could see he could probably be a tough person to deal with in business.

  14. #14

    Default Re: T. Boone Pickens

    Quote Originally Posted by mugofbeer View Post
    T Boone wasn't the nicest of people in his early days. He was a true corporate raider. In the last 30 years, he turned over a new leaf and made a new fortune in more traditional O&G, gave huge amounts to OSU, environmental causes and jumped in with both feet into wind energy generation.

    He was unique in that he was a fossil fuel producer (understanding that it was necessary to give time for a change) but also was, possibly, the biggest proponent of wind and solar power. He was a great example that people can change and is definitely one of the last of a dying breed of wildcatters.

    I got to meet him about 20 years ago and he was a genuinely nice man, but you could see he could probably be a tough person to deal with in business.
    Well said.

  15. #15

    Default Re: T. Boone Pickens

    I’m genuinely curious if a large chunk of his estate goes to OSU. I thought he had said that at one point.

  16. #16

    Default Re: T. Boone Pickens

    Both my grandmother and mother worked for Mr. Pickens and Mesa Petroleum in the 80s. Although extremely tough, both of them said he was very genuine and made it a point to know his employees and their families. They both routinely still say they would’ve worked for him again if they could.

  17. #17

    Default Re: T. Boone Pickens

    Quote Originally Posted by mugofbeer View Post
    T Boone wasn't the nicest of people in his early days. He was a true corporate raider. In the last 30 years, he turned over a new leaf and made a new fortune in more traditional O&G, gave huge amounts to OSU, environmental causes and jumped in with both feet into wind energy generation.

    He was unique in that he was a fossil fuel producer (understanding that it was necessary to give time for a change) but also was, possibly, the biggest proponent of wind and solar power. He was a great example that people can change and is definitely one of the last of a dying breed of wildcatters.

    I got to meet him about 20 years ago and he was a genuinely nice man, but you could see he could probably be a tough person to deal with in business.
    Yes, and if you met him about twenty years ago, that was about the time he almost wound up in the poor house, when he was kicked out of Mesa and started BP. Which didn't exactly take off like wildfire. Fortunately, as he said many times, the banks were very kind to him and the price of nat gas took off.

    He was also a bit of a wildcatter with his love life.

  18. #18

    Default Re: T. Boone Pickens

    Quote Originally Posted by OKCRT View Post
    Maybe more money in the kitty to pay some higher rated recruits like OU does. And yes, this happens every day year in and year out in both football and basketball. You don't win championships you buy them.

    T-Boone was good for OSU but not to many others that he raided on. Lets not act like he was some kind of saint.
    What a sad comment !

  19. Default Re: T. Boone Pickens

    Quote Originally Posted by The Shadow View Post
    Yes, and if you met him about twenty years ago, that was about the time he almost wound up in the poor house, when he was kicked out of Mesa and started BP. Which didn't exactly take off like wildfire. Fortunately, as he said many times, the banks were very kind to him and the price of nat gas took off.

    He was also a bit of a wildcatter with his love life.
    Read into who his best friends and closest associates were. It's pretty easy to see (and remember the lifestyle of the 1970s oil boom if you're old enough) in Mr. Pickens. Being a true wildcatter was a lifestyle. He lived it drilling for oil but also as a corporate raider. Rainwater's wife was a New York financier (totally different from Rainwater himself) so when she fired him at Mesa, she had her business reasons. His raiding was, in itself, a type of drilling venture and when oil prices dropped, ahuge portion of the assets he grabbed just evaporated.

  20. #20

    Default Re: T. Boone Pickens

    Quote Originally Posted by dford2 View Post
    What a sad comment !
    But true.

  21. #21

    Default Re: T. Boone Pickens

    Quote Originally Posted by dford2 View Post
    What a sad comment !
    I agree 100% because it is sad.

  22. #22
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    Default Re: T. Boone Pickens

    I believe a large part of his last made money was from the hedge fund he operated. Hedge funds have fewer restrictions and protections for the investors. Think wildcatting for money.

  23. #23

    Default Re: T. Boone Pickens

    According to Forbes in 2016 he was only worth $500 million. With his energy hedge fund likely down quite a bit with O&G prices it’s probably less now. I bet OSU still gets a sizable chunk. He also has his ranch in TX on the market for $250M.

  24. #24

    Default Re: T. Boone Pickens

    Quote Originally Posted by Rover View Post
    I believe a large part of his last made money was from the hedge fund he operated. Hedge funds have fewer restrictions and protections for the investors. Think wildcatting for money.
    More like NBA vs D-League if you ask me. It's really not unrestricted like you suggest.

  25. #25

    Default Re: T. Boone Pickens

    Surely fake, but I still laughed. A thing going around saying that he left $30 bucks to Gundy to buy a haircut.

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