If you have zero in savings with no plan to change this, you will certainly be stuck throwing your money away on rent for the rest of your life.
People have had to scratch for down money for the last 100 years. There has never been a time where lots of people were buying homes without a down payment.
I fully understand that some are truly poor and just trying to get by, that has always been the case for a certain percentage of the population. For everyone else, you HAVE to save money and it simply seems very few people are willing to do that, evidenced by so many driving expensive cars (also often leased), taking lavish vacations, eating out several times a day, running up credit cards, etc.
Buying a home is not an entitlement. It's something every generation has had to work towards and most people start with a home well below what they actually want, and work their way up.
I honestly think the only thing that has changed in the last century is that younger people are not willing to save and begin with a starter home. Absolutely everyone else before them had to do those things.
I've made this point before but young people should take a look at what their parents, grandparents, and great-grandparents did to buy a home. Most of them completely busted their asses to save a little money, then worked like hell to improve the house and then tradeup.