Quote Originally Posted by OK BBQ Eater Anonymous View Post
Well I definitely don't go there to get news or commentary... They are no different than The Onion to me.... And unfortunately I've seen way too many similar comments left on Onion articles.
I'm more in agreement with Jerry on this. They are different than the Onion and I can think of at least two examples how they are not just satire . They were involved with opening up the Governors e-mail box and exposing the fact that she was using a private email account to circumvent the open records act. TLO also exposed David Stanley Auto for all the shady dealings they engage in. Stanley was hit with the biggest fine in state history for deceptive practices. Stanley has also been sued for passing off a car that had been totaled as "garage kept". None of the local media outlets have reported any of this. Speculation is that because of the massive ad dollars Stanley pays to advertise, TV/print/radio will not make this a story.
As far as the article on the drinks in movies. Just because they were advocating to modernize liquor laws does not mean they are in agreement with what the legislature intercepts as what that means. One can be in favor of cold beer in the liquor store while opposing liquor where boorish behavior is common with cell phones and loud talking during the movie.