Hi, I'm Jeremy and live in Iraq. I'm from western OK and plan to live in OKC next summer.
Hi, I'm Jeremy and live in Iraq. I'm from western OK and plan to live in OKC next summer.
Hi all. I accidentally came up on this site, and it looks like the place to be. I'm in my 30's and single. I just ended a long term relationship, so I am really hurting right now. I hope to find laughter and advice.
Welcome to the site Hotlips, sorry about your situation but I am sure you will find some helpful advice here. By the way I tried to send you a private message but your box is full?Originally Posted by HotLips
hello all sorry i didnt introduce myself sooner.
Thats cool Shortcakes...glad to meet ya now.Originally Posted by shortcakes2005
Hello all! I found this site while doing a media-related search on Google, and joined up to post/ask a question. I live up in Stillwater, so I may not be too active on this board, but I'll probably pop up from time to time.
Hey Mark, glad to have you here! Feel free to pop in as much as you'd like!
Howdy! I'm Wolfe. Was born and raised in western Oklahoma, Custer City, lived in OKC for about 16 years, then moved to northern Cali.I come home to visit friends and family every few years.
I found this site while I was searching for some pics of Miss Fran From Storyland. I used to have a stuffed version of her 'side-kick' when I was small, but I couldn't remember his name.It had been a special gift from my Uncle and it's also one of my earliest memories... sittin' on the floor watching Miss Fran and holding my special gift.
Lookin' forward to gettin' to know ya'll.
Hi everybody:
My name is Randy, and I basically found this site by accident, however, i am glad I found it. I've read some of the posts and have enjoyed the discussions. I feel this would be a good investment and hobby for me, so I decided to go ahead and go premium. I am looking forward to getting to know everybody a little better.
randy, you will enjoy it here. I have been here for about a year and love it. I have also enjoyed the dissussions they have here as well. If there is a topic you would like to disscuss jump in or start one on your own.
Hi I'm Eric and live in Atoka. I lived in OKC for several years, and brick town wasn't a thought back then. I am in the band Spur503 and noticed when I searched for our second site, a hit at this site... hmm. Interests, Music
Welcome, Eric! Hope you enjoy it here.![]()
Welcome to okctalk, Eric. We have a lot of members on this forum who are into music also, so you should be right at home here. Jump right in and get acquainted with everyone.Originally Posted by ericmayfield
Hi, My name is Pete; I am a somewhat ancient married male as if the name did not imply male.
I am somewhat computer illiterate even though I bought my first computer way back around 1980 (Commodore Vic 20---remember those? LOL). I have used computers ever since all the way from the first IBM compatibles we called them that did not even have a hard driver---my first had two each 5 1/4" floppys (3 1/2" was not made back then.) I think what makes me most computer illiterate is because I have not kept up with the changing names of some of the files like I wonder what some mean when they use a name for a scenario that to me does not imply what it is pertaining to. I dunno why I say this, I guess to let anyone who might be interested to know why I might not understand something.
I hope to become a Premium member or whatever it is called soon, but there are so many that one can subscribe to that it would take The Donald's money to subscribe to them all, and while I am "loaded" LOL yeah right! (maybe I meant drunk there?), I still have to limit my subscriptions----most are probably saying: "What is another $50.00?" But add that $50.00 to all the $100.00 most sites want, and it could be enuf to open a chicken ranch one day.
OK, What I like to do; I am a general fixit guy I guess---No! I do not work on other people's homes or such; just mine, and I love to design and build things.
I love to recycle too.
And I almost forgot to say I used to be fairly political, but I hope I have finally came to the conclusion that it cannot be changed, so why waste my breath. I still vote in every election, but that is about it; I have not even written a letter to editor in maybe a couple of years.
Hope this is not too long, but I guess nobody has to read it.
Haha.. well it was long, but I read it... and it was a good intro! Welcome to OKCtalk! It's loads of fun!!! Oh, and if you ever change your mind about fixing up other people's houses, mine could sure use some work! I used an electric drill the other day... what fun!!! I found I like putting holes in things with a power tool! Hope you enjoy OKCtalk!
I do not know where this will go, but I want to say like in my original post that I could not find things because something like I had not kept up with terminology---well, I was just looking for the board where I posted the welcome (psst! I had searched frantically for it over the past few days, and i just lucked into finding it this morning) anyway, I was looking for it with zero success in finding it, so I was logging off frustrated of course due to my own inabilities, and I checked my mail and a nice surprise awaited me there in OSUPA's post , but I am yet to find the board again.
OK I will shush, Pete
Hey, Pete! Great intro! One of the best I've read here!
I note that I don't think that premium membership doesn't cost as much as what you mentioned; that just because someone is pretty much "fixed" in his/her political points of view certainly doesn't keep members here "quiet" ...... not now, not ever! You beat me on your computer "start" ... mine wasn't until 1986 ... but, perhaps, I've kept up with changes a little more than you have from your description of yourself! But, keep on keepin' on ... you'll get where you want to be!
BTW, and I mean no disrespect, but do you know how to "bookmark" websites so that you can go there quickly ... I only mention this since I understand you to have said you didn't know how to "get back" here until you got a message from OkcTalk that a thread to which you'd subscribed had been replied to ... maybe I misunderstood. But, if you need help with bookmarking, let me know. But, generally, if you enter http:\\www.okctalk.com in the address bar and press your {Enter} key, you will find yourself among your OkcTalk friends!
Welcome and I look forward to reading your posts, hopefully modeled upon your 1st!![]()
Thanks, Doug,
I can get to the OKCTalk okay---I put it into my links; it is when I want to navigate around inside the Talk place that I have problems, but in time, surely I will get used to the places.
One thing though: When I got back here to the intros part, the oldest posts are first; is there any way to convert it to where the latest post comes up (Like now, to get to your post, I had to click to page 15---not a big deal, but if there is a way to set it to where the latest post comes up first (I think they call that ascending or maybe descending.
Thanks, Pete
That's a good idea.. I like it! However, there is a "View First unread" button to click on near the top, close to the first post... that way if there's more than one page that you haven't read, it'll take you to the first one you haven't read... it's nice when you've been away for awhile and have more than one post to read! I don't recommend leaving for "awhile" though... I had to study for boards (such a bad excuse...school!) and I missed this joint! Happy New Year!!!
Hey, Pete, welcome to okctalk! Yep, it is hard to navigate through the forum when you are new to the site. I've been on here a year and a half, and I still get lost on occasion.Originally Posted by Oki_Man5
I think you will really like it here because, not only can you speak your mind, you can also get into a friendly debate over just about anything. Thanks for letting us know a little about yourself, and have fun posting.![]()
Originally Posted by osupa05
Um....and you're going into medicine????
Haha... maybe surgery!!! I like to cut (and sew back!)...
Uh oh...now I'm really scared.Originally Posted by osupa05
I am Nancy, born, raised and lived in Oklahoma City/Norman for my first 40 years, living in Houston the past 12. I have a 19 year old son and 16 year old daughter. I'm planning on moving back to OKC in a year and a half when my daughter graduates from high school, and am hoping to find a bungalow in a friendly neighborhood with good close local (hopefully walkable) services.
My brother and I cleaned out our parents house summer before last when they moved to an independent living center, and were very impressed with the progress that's been made in OKC - Bricktown, and just the general cleanliness of the City. It no longer looks like you're driving through the dump along I-40.
I'm hoping to gain a better idea of how OKC has grown and changed since I left, and what to expect when I move back.
Welcome, Nancy,
They are all busy planning a single's get together, so I will welcome you.
Thanks for dropping in.
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