Hello, Mike - Single, 36 years old, working for an architectural firm and living in the far northwest OKC area, with a great view - on the 4th of July I can see the fireworks from Edmond to Piedmont and all the way to the capital!
I grew up in OKC then joined the military for a stint to 'see the world'. They sent me to Michigan. lol Once I got out, I went to college to fill my brain up, then traveled around for about 9 years, then came back here to be with family a couple of years ago. (I'm a sucker when an opportunity to move to a new part of the country comes along.) I look for places with good things to do outdoors - I've lived in Colorado, Arizona, Washington, Michigan, California, Texas, Massachusetts. Seattle is my favorite place so farI wanna go back someday - It's beautiful and there is WAY too much to do....
I'm in the middle of stumbling through the process of starting my own business based on an invention I have. It's been real interesting and fun so far and I'm looking forward to seeing where it leads. Hopefully I'll retire real soon and head off to see the rest of the world! Woot!
I understand there are a lot of city officials on this board. I have one request. Please bring a nice mountain range and some ocean front to the OKC area and I'll never need to move again!! Doesn't have to be the Rockies, the Cascades would be fine and something along the lines of the Puget Sound over around 150th and MacArthur would be great!
Thanks for reading!