Greenwell was adamantly against it due to his opinions about property rights, socialism versus a republic, and church/state conflict beliefs.

Meg Salyer was admanent for delaying and allowing more offers and dialogue to occur. She pressed for preservation.

The Mayor acted great as a moderator and allowed everyone to speak as long as they wanted. It was extremely civil.

The resolution was postponed with a verbal commitment from the pastor and church board president that a demolition permit would not be filed in the interim.

David Box had a scheduling conflict with the upcoming council meeting. That means that the item gets kicked until after the preservation commission takes it up. Then I guess an automatic moratorium kicks in.

There was quite a debate dialogue between Stonecipher, Meg, and Box about how many offers have been received. Meg attested to being contacted by two interested parties making offers. The church via Box claims that they have only received one “legitimate” offer. This caused a fairly testy conversation.

In any case, some time was bought through today’s meeting but it was clear that the church leadership won’t prohibit a buyer from destroying the buildings although that is not their preference. If those offers do exist, someone needs to make sure they get to right people in the church and that the congregation knows about them.