I am flabbergasted that some in this thread think that it is so harmlessly inconsequential to gratuitously bandy some particular names around no more importantly than flicking a fly off ones buttocks, under the protection of anonymity, as though it was harmless or meaningless, and with no personal responsibility for one's remarks. It is neither. Words matter.

As I recall, this thread is about "The Pioneer Woman," not an analysis of her husband's or extended family as being involved in past years alleged, implied or inferred crimes or misdeeds, true or false as they may or may not be.

I ask a favor: when the time comes to directly or indirectly accuse me of something (and perhaps that time will come), if it is within you to do so, please do it to my face.

I may have been mistaken in thinking that the time was right to rejoin OKCTalk. We shall see.