Quote Originally Posted by Jim Kyle View Post
Just a FYI in case you didn't know: The subscriber list at any publication is NOT an asset, it's a liability! Seems counterintuitive, but when they accept your money for a subscription, they've entered into a contract that obligates them to deliver you their product -- and that obligation is obviously a liability!

Some 20 years ago the publisher of a magazine for which I was a columnist made that point to me. During my first 40 or so years in the business, though, I (like many of the general public) thought the subscription list was one of the most valuable assets of any publication!

EDIT: The conclusion is that the more of us cancel our subscriptions, the better will be the paper's bottom line!!!
Isn't there a law of diminishing returns? If too many cancel, no advertisers will want to spend their money, therefore revenue will drop and the paper will need to add subscribers or fold?