I don't think this is directly related, but the mall in town will be 50% vacant by year's end. There has been several ownership changes over the last few years, and I believe it is still on the market. Complaints of high rent have been going on for years. Soon Gap Outlet and The Buckle will be closing (and not moving elsewhere in town that I am aware of). Sears closed (all though the mall was likely not at fault for that one), but JCPenney's somehow escaped the chopping block. Dillards is still operating as well. One of the larger non-anchor's Cavender's shut down shop and did not move. Buffalo Wild Wings has indicated it that will be exploring a stand alone store on the highway. Maurice's moved out to the new Silver Lake Village along with GNC. The only movie theater in town still operates in the mall.

Coincidentally the old outdoor mall, Eastlast Shopping Center is seeing a bit of a renaissance. Hobby Lobby has renovated the largest store and moved in. A new fitness center (Planet Fitness) is set to occupy the former Stage Department Store space. Chick-fil-a should open within a month or so. Parking lot is getting re-habbed. Basically the exact opposite of what is occuring at Washington Park Mall. Just weird how the timing is playing out.