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Thread: Michael Brown Relieved of Duty

  1. #1
    MadMonk Guest

    Default Michael Brown Relieved of Duty

    FEMA Chief Relieved of Katrina Duties
    Sep 09 1:14 PM US/Eastern

    Associated Press Writer


    Federal Emergency Management Agency Director Michael Brown is being removed from his role managing Hurricane Katrina relief efforts, The Associated Press has learned.

    Brown is being sent back to Washington from Baton Rouge, where he was the primary official overseeing the federal government's response to the disaster, according to two federal officials who declined to be identified before the announcement.

  2. #2

    Default Re: Michael Brown Relieved of Duty

    I hope this is permanent

  3. Default Re: Michael Brown Relieved of Duty

    Quote Originally Posted by okieopus
    I hope this is permanent
    He was not fired. He was only relieved of his Katrina command. He is still FEMA director. I hope he stays that way.

    Conservatives rule!

  4. #4

    Default Re: Michael Brown Relieved of Duty

    So even if the person totally mishandles the federal response, has little or no training in Emergency Management, and was appointed as a personal favor from the President, as long as he or she is conservative, your fine with that?

    Once again your thought processes amaze me. Tell me how do you live with the cognitive dissonance?

  5. Default Re: Michael Brown Relieved of Duty

    Conservatives rule!
    Apparently Conservatives don't rule in this case - if he had 'ruled', he would still be in command.

    That's why he was relieved from his duties.
    " You've Been Thunder Struck ! "

  6. Default Re: Michael Brown Relieved of Duty

    The possibility exists that some urgent business has developed in Washington that requires his immediate attention.

    Rarely does the public know the real story.

  7. Default Re: Michael Brown Relieved of Duty

    What could be more urgent than handling the biggest catastophe/natural disaster ever to hit the US?
    " You've Been Thunder Struck ! "

  8. Default Re: Michael Brown Relieved of Duty

    Quote Originally Posted by Karried
    What could be more urgent than handling the biggest catastophe/natural disaster ever to hit the US?
    It could be anything. Afterall, there are countless things that are so high level security, they can not be revealed for decades.

  9. Default Re: Michael Brown Relieved of Duty

    Well..... seeing the way this one was handled, I for one am hoping and praying that his urgent business isn't protecting us from a terrorist attack or something along those lines!

    Truthfully, he might just be being used as a scapegoat - there were a lot of errors made but when you hear that trucks and trucks filled with supplies that could have saved lives, were sitting outside of city limits because FEMA was turning them away, you just don't know what to believe. I certainly don't know the breakdown. Granted, there were enough errors for everyone from the top to the bottom to get the axe. But it's always easy to Monday morning quarterback - who knows what the real story is.
    " You've Been Thunder Struck ! "

  10. Default Re: Michael Brown Relieved of Duty

    The sad thing is he is from OK. Sheesh, we can never get a break in this state.
    " You've Been Thunder Struck ! "

  11. Default Re: Michael Brown Relieved of Duty

    Quote Originally Posted by mranderson
    Conservatives rule!
    Oh, Mr. Anderson...I was raised conservative and tend to vote that way, but I also know that the party is not always the way to go. This is a prome example of one of those times.

    Brown has been unimpressive in this role. FEMA's response to this tragedy has SUCKED. Plain and simple. Same with Bush. I'm so disappointed in our government right now, I can hardly stand it. Michael Brown doesn't have the experience to handle this sort of thing...and it scares me to think of what kind of response there would be if a terrorist attack occurred right now. This is a very sad situation, and to me, it's just another chapter in the "good ol' boy" saga.

    You know there isn't a chance in hell that any Republican will be voted into the Oval Office in the next couple of elections. Nice job, Bush. Even my mom, the "die hard" republican can see that.

    And insult to injury...Barbara Bush's comments earlier this week, that have been discussed in another thread. Good grief.

  12. #12
    MadMonk Guest

    Default Re: Michael Brown Relieved of Duty

    I think that the local and state responses to such emergencies is what really makes or breaks things. FEMA seems more like a mop-up and rebuild agency to me. Remember NY, Sept 11, 2001? It was NYC emergency personnel that made most of the difference that day (and they paid dearly for it). I wait to see who gets removed at the state and local level now, though I doubt that will happen.

  13. Default Re: Michael Brown Relieved of Duty

    I guess Michael Brown has TRULY been relieved of his duty. Looks like he's turned in his resignation.

  14. #14

    Default Re: Michael Brown Relieved of Duty

    About two weeks late.

  15. Default Re: Michael Brown Relieved of Duty

    OK liberals. You cost us another good person. I hope you are happy now.

  16. #16

    Default Re: Michael Brown Relieved of Duty

    Quote Originally Posted by mranderson
    OK liberals. You cost us another good person. I hope you are happy now.
    I am rather. Thank you for inquiring.

    I never said that he wasn't a good person. He just wasn't qualified to be in the very critical position. A good person does not necessarily mean the right person for a specific job.

    I wish him the best in a new venture that he would hopefully be better suited.

  17. Default Re: Michael Brown Relieved of Duty

    Well stated, Scribe.

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