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Thread: Huge Mixed-Use Development for Waterloo Rd.

  1. #101

    Default Re: Huge Mixed-Use Development for Waterloo Rd.

    Quote Originally Posted by Mountaingoat View Post
    Don't need anymore Texas chains here. Go OnCue!
    yes Oklahoma does not need a Bucees but Texas needs more OnCue

  2. #102

    Default Re: Huge Mixed-Use Development for Waterloo Rd.

    also what are the chances of a walmart in the area?

  3. #103

    Default Re: Huge Mixed-Use Development for Waterloo Rd.

    When are they going to widen Waterloo? It is already too congested for the businesses and commuters there now.

  4. #104

    Default Re: Huge Mixed-Use Development for Waterloo Rd.

    Quote Originally Posted by TornadoKegan View Post
    yes Oklahoma does not need a Bucees but Texas needs more OnCue
    We took Bucees off of our road-trip itinerary when they switch from real coffee creamers to their plant-based sugar-free non-flavored creamer. Back to Love's we go.

  5. #105

    Default Re: Huge Mixed-Use Development for Waterloo Rd.

    Looks like they are starting to move dirt for something else. Maybe the Braum’s?

  6. #106

    Default Re: Huge Mixed-Use Development for Waterloo Rd.

    Quote Originally Posted by Elrenogolf View Post
    Looks like they are starting to move dirt for something else. Maybe the Braum’s?
    Yes, Braum's. Also grading the area for the housing lots.

  7. Default Re: Huge Mixed-Use Development for Waterloo Rd.

    Surprised there isn't one hotel proposed here yet

  8. #108

    Default Re: Huge Mixed-Use Development for Waterloo Rd.

    Quote Originally Posted by Richard at Remax View Post
    Surprised there isn't one hotel proposed here yet
    There is a larger plot in the bottom left. I think that may be a hotel. It is also in an area where a hotel is not really needed, IMO.

  9. #109

    Default Re: Huge Mixed-Use Development for Waterloo Rd.

    Quote Originally Posted by chssooner View Post
    There is a larger plot in the bottom left. I think that may be a hotel. It is also in an area where a hotel is not really needed, IMO.
    Especially when there is likely another Hotel coming to Covell and I-35.

  10. #110

    Default Re: Huge Mixed-Use Development for Waterloo Rd.

    The lot on the far west end (not in the pictured plan) on Sooner Rd. owned by an older couple has been sold to this developer. It appears some interior demolition has happened, but the house and out buildings should be demolished in the next few weeks.

  11. #111

    Default Re: Huge Mixed-Use Development for Waterloo Rd.

    Property records no longer show the private LLC (Starbucks) as owners of lot 1A. It appears to be back to the same owners as the other empty lots.
    After some initial development momentum, surprised to see this change. Maybe the upcoming interchange redevelopment has something to do with it?

  12. #112

    Default Re: Huge Mixed-Use Development for Waterloo Rd.

  13. #113

    Default Re: Huge Mixed-Use Development for Waterloo Rd.

    Two things I noticed when I drove by the other morning:
    1. Holy crap! This is going to be a huge development!?!
    2. Holy crap! IT is SO congested NOW?! What's it going to be like when the development is finished?

  14. #114

    Default Re: Huge Mixed-Use Development for Waterloo Rd.

    Aren't there plans to rework that intersection with I-35?

    It's a relic of days gone by when that was in the middle of the country.

  15. #115

    Default Re: Huge Mixed-Use Development for Waterloo Rd.

    I believe that with the I-35 intersection rework, that waterloo will be expanded to Sooner. Haven't heard any of any other expansion but Waterloo has always been a tough stretch to get anything done because it is owned/cared for by two counties and neither want to pay for it by themselves.

  16. #116

    Default Re: Huge Mixed-Use Development for Waterloo Rd.

    Quote Originally Posted by jdross1982 View Post
    I believe that with the I-35 intersection rework, that waterloo will be expanded to Sooner. Haven't heard any of any other expansion but Waterloo has always been a tough stretch to get anything done because it is owned/cared for by two counties and neither want to pay for it by themselves.
    the medium term plan is to make waterloo 4 lanes from I35 all the way to portland

  17. #117

    Default Re: Huge Mixed-Use Development for Waterloo Rd.

    Quote Originally Posted by BoulderSooner View Post
    the medium term plan is to make waterloo 4 lanes from I35 all the way to portland
    With to my knowledge zero funding to make that happen. OK county hasn't been able to fund Covell to Portland and it is much further along than Waterloo.

  18. #118

    Default Re: Huge Mixed-Use Development for Waterloo Rd.

    My understanding is the counties cannot do anything or make plans until ODOT figures out what they are doing with Waterloo and I 35 and have a plan and schedule. That is when they make make plans to do improvements to Waterloo rd.

  19. #119

    Default Re: Huge Mixed-Use Development for Waterloo Rd.

    For the time being, more homes are being built in the area so much more traffic on a poor road.

  20. #120

    Default Re: Huge Mixed-Use Development for Waterloo Rd.

    There is something being built on the plot where the Starbucks was originally plotted on the map above. However later in the thread it's posted that Starbucks no longer was going in there. Drove by there a little while ago and there is a building with a drive thru being constructed, however there is no sign indicating what it will be.

    Also yes, ODOT is supposed to be installing one of those diamond interchanges there at 35 and Waterloo. It needs it bad. They could do an immediate fix by working the signal lights. For example now, if you're exiting NB I35 to turn west on Waterloo when you get a green to turn left you proceed under the interstate only to be met by a red light. This creates complete gridlock. What needs to happen is that second light needs to turn green along with the NB exit for those turning to completely clear the interchange once they turn onto Waterloo. Then do this all the way around for all directions of travel. All of east/west Waterloo gets green lights, but then you get people wanting to turn onto the onramps but have to wait for a break in oncoming traffic, but it's gridlocked and nobody moves. Then all the on/off-ramp traffic gets greens and it results in the same because they end up stopping at the other on/off-ramp on the other side. By changing to what I've posted, everyone just goes through. I've emailed this to ODOT but nothing ever changes. It's a lot to write hahaha.

    And actually, this needs to happen at many interchanges across the metro -- especially along the Kilpatrick at May, Penn, and Western. Once you get a green you should be able to proceed forward and actually clear the interchange not stop at the second light on the other side of the bridge. Complete chaotic gridlock at rush hour. I'm looking at you, May Ave......

    I've also heard, though completely unconfirmed, that there is indeed talks going on between Oklahoma and Logan counties and the city of Edmond on widening Waterloo from 35 all the way to at least Kelly, with Oak Tree interest as well for access for future national tournaments they're wanting to bring in. Apparently ACOG and ODOT are already commingling with the federales for federal funds to pay perhaps an 80/20 split or even better with both counties and Edmond chipping in on the non-federal percentage.

  21. #121

    Default Re: Huge Mixed-Use Development for Waterloo Rd.

    Quote Originally Posted by MagzOK View Post
    There is something being built on the plot where the Starbucks was originally plotted on the map above. However later in the thread it's posted that Starbucks no longer was going in there. Drove by there a little while ago and there is a building with a drive thru being constructed, however there is no sign indicating what it will be.
    I think it's still a Starbuck's.

    Nobody said for sure that they were not going in; just the land was sold back to the developers. I suspect they decided to do some sort of ground lease and keep the purchase money to minimize the initial outlay.

  22. #122

    Default Re: Huge Mixed-Use Development for Waterloo Rd.

  23. #123

    Default Re: Huge Mixed-Use Development for Waterloo Rd.

    Great shot Pete. That new interchange can't come soon enough, along with a much more intensive repaving or, dare I hope, widening of Waterloo.

  24. Default Re: Huge Mixed-Use Development for Waterloo Rd.

    I would assume that having the 2027 US Senior Open back up at Oak Tree National will expedite this interchange project

  25. #125

    Default Re: Huge Mixed-Use Development for Waterloo Rd.

    Quote Originally Posted by Richard at Remax View Post
    I would assume that having the 2027 US Senior Open back up at Oak Tree National will expedite this interchange project
    42 mil project happening next year

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