Lady-O, wanted to address some of your comments here. Yes, the area did receive sidewalks last year and trust me, we were in talks with the city quite a bit over sidewalks on United Founders Blvd. First, they only offered sidewalks on ONE side of the street--that was all that was allotted for much of the sidewalks project in the area--strange but true.

Second, if had selected to put in sidewalks on United Founders Blvd., we would have lost lots of mature landscaping--something property owners who have made big landscaping investments along there were not willing to do--which was fine since they are helping to keep the area nice.

We proposed a painted bike lane on United Founders for a while, but that proposal was slowed by the city and then was not pursued further by neighborhood volunteers. And since the street is not too busy, as you said, we felt that the extra-wide travel lane provided for reasonably safe passage for bikes and peds along there, and we see walkers up and down there frequently.

We have also considered benches, etc. both in the medians and off the medians, and there you run into ADA compliance requirements, which again, demands curb cuts and other concrete work that takes away from established landscaped areas and brings in more concrete to an area that already has lots of it. Art installations are a great idea once more funding is available. We are just trying to maintain those public medians to high levels which is a MAJOR annual cost.

So there is a quick run-down of what we did during that sidewalks expansion.

We think OnCue will be a great addition to the area and do not anticipate it running things down. They have already responded to be supporters of the District and have contributed financially already (!) to beautification even before they have turned dirt on the site.

A 501(c)(3) has been formed and an endowment fund at Oklahoma City Community Foundation has been established in order to support beautification efforts in the public spaces in the District in perpetuity. Sounds like you know quite a bit about the neighborhood, do you work or live in Founders District. We have a small, but dedicated group of people are trying really, really, hard to make this area better and better. Trust me, I know. I am one of them.