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Thread: Boeing

  1. Default Re: ~500 new jobs in OKC thanks to Boeing

    Quote Originally Posted by SOONER8693 View Post
    I'm as welcoming as anybody, thank you. But, I'm also a realist and I know what we got in the past. So, bring them on if they will add to the quality of life in Oklahoma, if not, stay there. Now, if you have a problem with my opinion, tough.
    That's the opposite of welcoming. "I only want you here if I perceive benefit."

  2. #77

    Default Re: ~500 new jobs in OKC thanks to Boeing

    Quote Originally Posted by Rover View Post
    Inland Empire in LA (Riverside County) and much of Orange County is down 35-40% on real estate values from 3-5 years ago. It is UGLY with many foreclosures and most upsided down. Beach cities are bad too, but not as bad. Long Beach area is not good.
    Would that make this a good time to buy a beach condo?

  3. #78

    Default Re: ~500 new jobs in OKC thanks to Boeing

    Quote Originally Posted by soonerguru View Post
    Would that make this a good time to buy a beach condo?
    No, because it is going to get worse in California. Besides, the ocean along California is like 58 degrees. At least buy where you can go in the water.

  4. Default Re: ~500 new jobs in OKC thanks to Boeing

    Quote Originally Posted by SOONER8693 View Post
    If the people from Cali are the same caliber as those "kids" and their parents, I hope all of them stay in the land of "fruits and nuts".
    Kind of like how you should have stayed in backwoods Arkansas?

  5. #80

    Default Re: ~500 new jobs in OKC thanks to Boeing

    Whatever, I assume you know what whatever means these days. Whatever you. You should have stayed wherever you came from. You have pissed off most everyone on this board, just like you did on the Skyscraper forum. You made everyone sick of Oklahoma on that forum and left them hating Oklahoma, so, let me repeat, Whatever you.

  6. #81

    Default Re: ~500 new jobs in OKC thanks to Boeing

    Quote Originally Posted by Kerry View Post
    No, because it is going to get worse in California. Besides, the ocean along California is like 58 degrees. At least buy where you can go in the water.
    I've been in the water in the San Diego area. It was fine.

  7. #82
    Join Date
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    Default Re: ~500 new jobs in OKC thanks to Boeing

    Quote Originally Posted by soonerguru View Post
    Would that make this a good time to buy a beach condo?
    LOL. People here balk at $200 ft. Being "down" at Newport Beach, Laguna, etc. still means it is two or three times OKC prices.

  8. #83

    Default Re: ~500 new jobs in OKC thanks to Boeing

    Quote Originally Posted by Kerry View Post
    No, because it is going to get worse in California. Besides, the ocean along California is like 58 degrees. At least buy where you can go in the water.
    58 degree water sounds real good about now....

  9. Default Re: ~500 new jobs in OKC thanks to Boeing

    Quote Originally Posted by soonerguru View Post
    Would that make this a good time to buy a beach condo?
    I think it's like a sale at Neimans or Nordstrom's. Discounted 35-40% off of what?

  10. #85

    Default Re: ~500 new jobs in OKC thanks to Boeing

    Quote Originally Posted by Larry OKC View Post
    58 degree water sounds real good about now....
    Until you die of hypothermia.

    BTW - water temp today (hottest month of the year) in San Diego is 63 to 66 degrees. Without a wet suit you could be dead in about 2 hours. That would ruin a day at the beach.

    Anyhow -we got way off topic.

  11. #86

    Default Re: ~500 new jobs in OKC thanks to Boeing

    It's still nice on a good summer day. I love going to Santa Monica, CA (LA Area). Nice 76 degree air, nice cool water. Go for a 5 minute swim, then lay on the beach and let the sun warm you up. Nice stuff; 20 minutes is about the most you can stand anyway, no one sits and bobs in the waves for 2 hours anyway. Going to the beach means getting wet and then laying down on the sand. 30 minutes of bobbing in the waves will make you sick to your stomach anyway.

  12. #87
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    Default Re: ~500 new jobs in OKC thanks to Boeing

    Glad to see we're living up to that "big friendly" image.

    The last time I was in Southern California, I had someone show me around the grocery store to find the stuff I was looking for, someone else helped me find my way in an unfamiliar neighborhood, and had some locals buy us some drinks when they found out we were visiting from out of town. However, in Oklahoma when some well educated, well employed Californians may be MOVING here, we have people wanting to tell them to go back to the land of fruits and nuts.

    Lesson: there are a-holes and nice people everywhere.

    Stay classy Oklahoma!

  13. #88

    Default Re: ~500 new jobs in OKC thanks to Boeing

    Check out this article from The Los Angeles Daily news and read The comments!http://www.dailynews.com/health/ci_15658919

  14. Default Re: ~500 new jobs in OKC thanks to Boeing

    Quote Originally Posted by SOONER8693 View Post
    Whatever, I assume you know what whatever means these days. Whatever you. You should have stayed wherever you came from. You have pissed off most everyone on this board, just like you did on the Skyscraper forum. You made everyone sick of Oklahoma on that forum and left them hating Oklahoma, so, let me repeat, Whatever you.
    Well alrighty then..

    Everyone say "Aye" if you're pissed off with me. On a side note, in a few more posts from SOONER8693, we'll need to get a Hall of Fame to stick this thread in.

  15. #90

    Default Re: ~500 new jobs in OKC thanks to Boeing

    Quote Originally Posted by Spartan View Post
    Well alrighty then..

    Everyone say "Aye" if you're pissed off with me. On a side note, in a few more posts from SOONER8693, we'll need to get a Hall of Fame to stick this thread in.
    I am not pissed off at you sparky, but I do feel sorry for you. You must have had a very lonely childhood.

  16. Default Re: ~500 new jobs in OKC thanks to Boeing

    So why do you feel sorry for me, Popsy?

    I hardly even said anything in this thread, ironically.

  17. #92

    Default Re: ~500 new jobs in OKC thanks to Boeing

    Quote Originally Posted by Spartan View Post
    Well alrighty then..

    Everyone say "Aye" if you're pissed off with me. On a side note, in a few more posts from SOONER8693, we'll need to get a Hall of Fame to stick this thread in.
    As long as we don't discuss deannexation, you and I get along fine Spartan. I agree with most of your points.

  18. #93
    Prunepicker Guest

    Default Re: ~500 new jobs in OKC thanks to Boeing

    Quote Originally Posted by OKCMallen View Post
    OKLAHOMA CITY -- The Boeing Company says it is relocating two
    programs from Long Beach, Calif., to Oklahoma City, a move
    xpected to bring 550 engineering jobs to the state.
    This is the C-130 contract. Our worthless governor, "golly gee
    whiz henry", sent our C-130's to Dallas, Kansas City and other
    bases in the USA. gov "golly gee whiz" saw the fighter jets and
    thought they look soooo cool. At Will Rogers the C-130 had a real
    purpose for the OKANG and the state of Oklahoma. Thanks to
    gov "golly gee whiz" we no longer have the C-130's. We have
    KC-135's. golly gee whiz is such a dork.

    Now that we may have the contract, what will "golly gee whiz"
    think of his dumber than dumb decision to listen to General
    Wright, a fighter pilot, to get rid of the C-130's (one of the
    greatest aircraft in military history) instead of keeping them?

    The OKANG has no respect whatsoever for governor "golly gee
    whiz". I know because I visit with these people on a regular
    basis. Oh, they'll say all kinds of nice things about the govern-dork
    on TV, radio and print media (because they have too) But in
    private, they, (red, yellow, blank and white) rip the govern--dork
    to peices. Without a shadow of doubt have little if any respect
    for the govern-dork. henry isn't respected by any stretch of the
    imagination except for a very few who are dyed in the wool
    Democrats. As far as those who can think, henry is a dork. A
    100% no holds barred dork.

    I'd love to tell him to his face. Can anyone arrange it? henry
    is such a dork. A golly gee whiz dork.

  19. Default Re: ~500 new jobs in OKC thanks to Boeing

    Quote Originally Posted by ljbab728 View Post
    As long as we don't discuss deannexation, you and I get along fine Spartan. I agree with most of your points.
    That's fine with me because right now I kinda forget where I stand on de-annexation LOL.

  20. Default Re: ~500 new jobs in OKC thanks to Boeing

    Hey SOONER8693, you should get your friends at the Westboro Baptist Church to come picket the 500 new high-paying engineer jobs that Boeing is bringing to OKC. Be sure and start making your anti-Cali "fruits and nuts" (aka high-paying engineer jobs) signs in advance.

  21. #96

    Default Re: ~500 new jobs in OKC thanks to Boeing

    Quote Originally Posted by Prunepicker View Post
    This is the C-130 contract. Our worthless governor, "golly gee
    whiz henry", sent our C-130's to Dallas, Kansas City and other
    bases in the USA. gov "golly gee whiz" saw the fighter jets and
    thought they look soooo cool. At Will Rogers the C-130 had a real
    purpose for the OKANG and the state of Oklahoma. Thanks to
    gov "golly gee whiz" we no longer have the C-130's. We have
    KC-135's. golly gee whiz is such a dork.

    Now that we may have the contract, what will "golly gee whiz"
    think of his dumber than dumb decision to listen to General
    Wright, a fighter pilot, to get rid of the C-130's (one of the
    greatest aircraft in military history) instead of keeping them?

    The OKANG has no respect whatsoever for governor "golly gee
    whiz". I know because I visit with these people on a regular
    basis. Oh, they'll say all kinds of nice things about the govern-dork
    on TV, radio and print media (because they have too) But in
    private, they, (red, yellow, blank and white) rip the govern--dork
    to peices. Without a shadow of doubt have little if any respect
    for the govern-dork. henry isn't respected by any stretch of the
    imagination except for a very few who are dyed in the wool
    Democrats. As far as those who can think, henry is a dork. A
    100% no holds barred dork.

    I'd love to tell him to his face. Can anyone arrange it? henry
    is such a dork. A golly gee whiz dork.
    Wow. I have no idea what you're talking about, but I don't see how Oklahoma would fare any better with Mensa candidates Ernest Istook and Mary Fallin. Geez.

  22. #97

    Default Re: ~500 new jobs in OKC thanks to Boeing

    Quote Originally Posted by soonerguru View Post
    Wow. I have no idea what you're talking about, but I don't see how Oklahoma would fare any better with Mensa candidates Ernest Istook and Mary Fallin. Geez.
    Dont' feel alone, soonerguru. No one ever understands what prunepicker is talking about except him. If you don't believe it, just ask him. LOL

  23. #98

    Default Re: ~500 new jobs in OKC thanks to Boeing

    Quote Originally Posted by dmoor82 View Post
    Check out this article from The Los Angeles Daily news and read The comments!http://www.dailynews.com/health/ci_15658919
    I left California for good in 1990 (at the age of 20) because I could see the train wreck coming. Smartest thing I ever did. It was interesting to read the comments from the California perspective. There was only 1 negative comment about Oklahoma and the rest seemed to be from people that now understand the problems California is facing. The only problem is they woke-up too late to do anything about it. The demise of California was decades in the making and the coming collapse has a lot of momentum behind it.

  24. Default Re: ~500 new jobs in OKC thanks to Boeing

    Saying you left Cali because you could see the train wreck coming is like saying you left Oklahoma because of right-wing politics. Come on, what happens in state capitols across America is a farce, and fortunately, has very little impact on people's actual lives...

    I imagine I could easily live a decent life in Cali as long as I could find a decent job, and completely tune out the political mess, scandals, and financial collapse.

  25. #100

    Default Re: ~500 new jobs in OKC thanks to Boeing

    Quote Originally Posted by Spartan View Post
    Saying you left Cali because you could see the train wreck coming is like saying you left Oklahoma because of right-wing politics. Come on, what happens in state capitols across America is a farce, and fortunately, has very little impact on people's actual lives...

    I imagine I could easily live a decent life in Cali as long as I could find a decent job, and completely tune out the political mess, scandals, and financial collapse.
    Tell the people of California that actions in Sacramento aren't having an impact on their lives. They seem to think it does. Did you read the comments on the link provided above? I'm pretty sure they are blamming Sacramento for creating an anti-business environment.

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