I like coffee.

Coffee is indefinitely more than a beverage that awakens one from his
slumber. When prepared properly, it can befit the flavorful and refined
qualities of an aged wine or whiskey. The purpose for drinking coffee
is to enjoy the intoxicating aroma and taste of which nothing else can

Favorite bean? Peruvian Organic from Coffee Dan's in OKC!

Favorite brewing method? French press with 3 tablespoons of coffee
per large cup. Approx. 10oz. 4 minutes and no longer. Start the
time when the water is poured!

Favorite water temperature? 93.3 Celsius (200 Farenheit).

Favorite grind? 4 notches to the left of Medium using a
Cuisinart burr grinder.

Favorite emergency cup? McDonald's (27 cents) and pretty good!

Next favorite? Starbucks Cafe Americano. Make sure there's
enough espresso before driving off!