Recently the PBS-TV station here in Dallas ran a mini-series, "Pioneers of Television" spotlighting local kids' shows such as Bozo and Howdy Doody as well as lots of regional shows. In their photo montage that opened each episode was a pic of Foreman Scotty, which got me remembering Ho-Ho.

Has there been any collection of clips from Ho-Ho's show? Either as a retrospective from KOCO after Ho-Ho passed away, or even better, a DVD or VHS?

In my opinion Pokey was the greatest clown sidekick ever. I remember they were reading fan letters one time and someone asked what kind of animal Pokey was. "I'm a baby ibex," Pokey replied. "My horns just haven't come in yet." They both cracked up so badly that I think the producers started a commercial.

They also had a feature where they showed clips of old screwball comedies while they commented (off-screen) about what was going on. Sort of a proto-MST3K. I remember Ho-Ho mentioning several times how much he liked comic character actor Edgar Kennedy in these movies.

Oh well, that's my trip down Memory Lane for today. Gawd I feel old!