Quote Originally Posted by bchris02 View Post
I'll be surprised if Oklahoma's overall liquor laws are changed within our lifetimes given how difficult it is to get a proposal on the ballot in this state and how most of the population is generally apathetic about the current laws. In 2050, Oklahoma grocery stores will likely still be selling 3.2 beer and you'll likely still have to go to a liquor store for anything with higher alcohol content. However, there are three things I would really like to see and it would drastically make life easier for the consumer in this state without changing the laws too much. Colorado is one of the best beer states in the nation yet their laws, while more liberal than Oklahoma's, aren't much so.

-Brewpubs can sell high-point beer on site
-Liquor stores can sell cold beer
-Liquor stores can stay open to at least 10PM and on Sunday

Doing these things alone would make the current laws much easier to deal with. Question is, what are the chances of those things ever happening? Can they be done without a constitutional amendment?
80% chance
25% chance
45% chance

Brewpubs have been pushing to get this done and eventually will be able to.
Most liquor stores can't hold a big cooler and its a good chunk of overhead and cost. So they aren't exactly screaming for it. Main problem would be Bud/Miller/Coors, they would fight like hell against it, as it eliminates one of the advantages they have selling 3.2 beer.
Selling on Sundays is slightly less then 50/50. MADD and the Baptists won't like it, but those who are powerful in the liquor industry would. I just don't know if the political will power is there.