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Thread: University Town Center

  1. #2551

    Default Re: University Town Center

    Quote Originally Posted by bison34 View Post
    And it only took 15 years for a Hobby Lobby to open here.

    It will take another 45 for the arena are to fill up, with more crappy strip centers and mid-scale retailers that aren't unique at all.

    Again, any use versus highest use is the issue. These stores, aside from Main Event, have all been in. Norman, and are either relocating or opening a second location. Not exactly inspiring confidence for proper or expedient development of the arena area.
    Funny that you think an arena would have any effect on bringing a Hobby Lobby, or high end retailers.

    And you are wrong. Its not just Main Event, but PF Changs, Five Below, and a stand alone Sephora are all new to Norman. They arent relocating or opening a second store, these are all new to Norman. I also like how you basically are calling UNP crappy strip center. Usually things like The Ranch, Red Rock Grill, PF Changs, Sephora arent in crappy centers.

  2. #2552
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    Default Re: University Town Center

    Quote Originally Posted by onthestrip View Post
    Funny that you think an arena would have any effect on bringing a Hobby Lobby, or high end retailers.

    And you are wrong. Its not just Main Event, but PF Changs, Five Below, and a stand alone Sephora are all new to Norman. They arent relocating or opening a second store, these are all new to Norman. I also like how you basically are calling UNP crappy strip center. Usually things like The Ranch, Red Rock Grill, PF Changs, Sephora arent in crappy centers.
    Sephora and PF Chang's go in everywhere. Red Rock is local to Norman. The Ranch is also OKC local. It isn't like there are a bunch of forward thinking national retailers being drawn to UNP right now. UNP needs some "juice".

  3. Default Re: University Town Center

    I think all these "it's all about me and what I want" posts are entertaining. People on this site tend to completely ignore what most Oklahomans want and complain if they don't get exactly what they think we should have. I guess it's a good time-waster between Pete's factual posts.

  4. #2554

    Default Re: University Town Center

    Quote Originally Posted by onthestrip View Post
    Funny that you think an arena would have any effect on bringing a Hobby Lobby
    you are right. all it took for hobby lobby was for the landlord of the original target location to just price them out... guess that is how we will grow UNP, just have all the landlords of other places already in norman make bad business decisions.

  5. Default Re: University Town Center

    Quote Originally Posted by bamarsha View Post
    I think all these "it's all about me and what I want" posts are entertaining. People on this site tend to completely ignore what most Oklahomans want and complain if they don't get exactly what they think we should have. I guess it's a good time-waster between Pete's factual posts.
    I know how out of touch I am. We had a poll at my wife's office to get a gift card for an xmas prize. We asked everyone what their favorite local place to eat was. Out of 55 people the most voted one was Red Lobster with second being Chilis. I realized I am not in the same mind space as most Oklahomans.

  6. #2556

    Default Re: University Town Center

    Quote Originally Posted by jedicurt View Post
    you are right. all it took for hobby lobby was for the landlord of the original target location to just price them out... guess that is how we will grow UNP, just have all the landlords of other places already in norman make bad business decisions.
    If that is really the case then that owner is an idiot.

  7. #2557

    Default Re: University Town Center

    Quote Originally Posted by Jeremy Martin View Post
    If that is really the case then that owner is an idiot.
    i mean look at all of campus corner.... or Ed Nobel Parkway... most of the land owners in Norman fall into this category.

  8. #2558

    Default Re: University Town Center

    Quote Originally Posted by bamarsha View Post
    I think all these "it's all about me and what I want" posts are entertaining. People on this site tend to completely ignore what most Oklahomans want and complain if they don't get exactly what they think we should have. I guess it's a good time-waster between Pete's factual posts.
    What do people want? They are probably getting 95% of what is found at the average power center across the nation. The other 5% of the top tier stores are extremely hard to get. The case being made is that an arena will bring those top retailers in. I would love to see if that was the case, but I don't think Norman will let the proposal go that far.

    Before the soccer stadium as announced, people kept pitching a stadium(or a temporary one) for Chisolm Creek. That's a development that has been hit with even more of a slowdown than UNP.

  9. #2559

    Default Re: University Town Center

    Quote Originally Posted by Rover View Post
    Sephora and PF Chang's go in everywhere. Red Rock is local to Norman. The Ranch is also OKC local. It isn't like there are a bunch of forward thinking national retailers being drawn to UNP right now. UNP needs some "juice".
    Feels like you are moving the goal posts now. It doesnt matter if theres locations in OKC proper or if theyre locally based businesses, we are talking about inside of Norman city limits and what brings them sales tax dollars and ad valorem to the schools and county. And what is a forward thinking retailer? You are too dismissive of the the above mentioned retailers. Sephora and PF Changs do not go everywhere, theyre typically are found in class A centers. Red Rock and The Ranch are two of the nicest dining establishments in the city. And all of them have very strong sales numbers and they bring in lots of revenue for the city.

    Seems like UNP already has quite a bit of juice at the moment on its own. Throw in some apartments, which just naturally fits here (arena not necessary for them) and UNP will continue to cook.

  10. #2560

    Default Re: University Town Center

    Quote Originally Posted by jn1780 View Post
    What do people want? They are probably getting 95% of what is found at the average power center across the nation. The other 5% of the top tier stores are extremely hard to get. The case being made is that an arena will bring those top retailers in. I would love to see if that was the case, but I don't think Norman will let the proposal go that far.
    Its kind of laughable to think the most desired nice retailers will come to UNP because there is an arena. An arena wont even be in their calculus. It ill be demographics, traffic, current anchor tenants, established sales numbers of UNP retailers and restaurants. Cheesecake Factory or Lululemon could care less about a college arena.

  11. #2561

    Default Re: University Town Center

    Quote Originally Posted by onthestrip View Post
    Its kind of laughable to think the most desired nice retailers will come to UNP because there is an arena. An arena wont even be in their calculus. It ill be demographics, traffic, current anchor tenants, established sales numbers of UNP retailers and restaurants. Cheesecake Factory or Lululemon could care less about a college arena.
    translation " it's kind of laughable to think that retailers will come to UNP because of something that generates traffic. the thing that helps generate traffic won't even be in their calculations. It will be things that generate traffic."

  12. Default Re: University Town Center

    Quote Originally Posted by jedicurt View Post
    translation " it's kind of laughable to think that retailers will come to UNP because of something that generates traffic. the thing that helps generate traffic won't even be in their calculations. It will be things that generate traffic."
    Isn't it the second most trafficked retail area in the state behind Penn Square Mall? I'd say if those stores aren't in that area already then an arena would not change that.

  13. #2563

    Default Re: University Town Center

    Quote Originally Posted by FighttheGoodFight View Post
    Isn't it the second most trafficked retail area in the state behind Penn Square Mall? I'd say if those stores aren't in that area already then an arena would not change that.
    so adding more traffic wouldn't change that? interesting take..... like you do know that even if you are the most trafficked area, it's possible to increase the amount of traffic? it's not a ceiling that you can't go higher than.....

  14. Default Re: University Town Center

    Quote Originally Posted by jedicurt View Post
    so adding more traffic wouldn't change that? interesting take..... like you do know that even if you are the most trafficked area, it's possible to increase the amount of traffic? it's not a ceiling that you can't go higher than.....
    My point is, if the traffic is already the second highest in the state, adding more doesn't increase the odds. I would assume they don't come to UNP for other reasons.

  15. #2565

    Default Re: University Town Center

    Quote Originally Posted by FighttheGoodFight View Post
    My point is, if the traffic is already the second highest in the state, adding more doesn't increase the odds. I would assume they don't come to UNP for other reasons.
    it absolutely increases the odds.... when these retailers ask for traffic numbers, they don't care if it's the first highest, or 70th heights, they care about the total number of people there, nothing else.

    i mean you said it right there, they aren't coming because it's the second highest... it's another reason, and that reason is that even though it's second heights, it's not enough traffic. this really isn't that difficult.

  16. #2566

    Default Re: University Town Center

    Quote Originally Posted by FighttheGoodFight View Post
    My point is, if the traffic is already the second highest in the state, adding more doesn't increase the odds. I would assume they don't come to UNP for other reasons.
    I mean this kinda feels like saying that inserting 18,000 people into downtown 43+ nights per year doesn’t increase the odds that someone will open a restaurant downtown due to the fact that a lot of people work down there from 8-5 every day. If you do something that adds a huge influx of people, of course it will increase the odds of businesses deciding to locate there.

  17. Default Re: University Town Center

    A lot of businesses require a minimum traffic count to even consider a location... that's in absolute numbers (e.g. 20k/day... each business model is different), not relative numbers (e.g. 2nd busiest in area... 2nd busiest area could still be very low absolute numbers). The median/average income also plays a factor. Even with high traffic rates, you aren't putting a retail store designed for the top 1% of income earners in a concentrated area of bottom 25% income earners. There are several other factors in the equation also. I haven't lived in Norman since the 1990's, so I can't really say much about this specific area without research that I don't have time for.

  18. #2568

    Default Re: University Town Center

    Quote Originally Posted by jedicurt View Post
    it absolutely increases the odds.... when these retailers ask for traffic numbers, they don't care if it's the first highest, or 70th heights, they care about the total number of people there, nothing else.

    i mean you said it right there, they aren't coming because it's the second highest... it's another reason, and that reason is that even though it's second heights, it's not enough traffic. this really isn't that difficult.
    Traffic is just one input, and its daily average traffic that they look at. This arena will hardly move that number when it'll be one event every 5 days and this event only brings a couple thousand people on average. Not to mention many of the events are in the evening when people arent buying Lululemon yoga pants. And when it comes to dining, not a ton of people are dining out before or after college basketball games. Its completely incomparable to an NBA arena that PhiAlpha made above.

  19. #2569
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    Default Re: University Town Center

    Quote Originally Posted by onthestrip View Post
    Traffic is just one input, and its daily average traffic that they look at. This arena will hardly move that number when it'll be one event every 5 days and this event only brings a couple thousand people on average. Not to mention many of the events are in the evening when people arent buying Lululemon yoga pants. And when it comes to dining, not a ton of people are dining out before or after college basketball games. Its completely incomparable to an NBA arena that PhiAlpha made above.
    Arena's are big draws for entertainment areas. Fans love immersive experiences and having life around the arena. The days of planning an arena in the middle of nowhere to have a big sea of parking around it are dead. Real estate near the arena has additional value. It's happening all over the country. Norman can get with it or get left behind.

  20. #2570

    Default Re: University Town Center

    Norman being sued by UNP developer for $5M.

  21. #2571

    Default Re: University Town Center

    Quote Originally Posted by Jersey Boss View Post
    Norman being sued by UNP developer for $5M.
    would love to know what the geniuses in norman city gov .. think Main event is duplicating

  22. Default Re: University Town Center

    Quote Originally Posted by BoulderSooner View Post
    would love to know what the geniuses in norman city gov .. think Main event is duplicating
    I'd guess HeyDay. It's pretty much the same thing.

  23. #2573

    Default Re: University Town Center

    What's the lawsuit about? I don't have access to that article.

    nvm. Found the article.

  24. #2574

    Default Re: University Town Center

    Quote Originally Posted by FighttheGoodFight View Post
    I'd guess HeyDay. It's pretty much the same thing.
    They wouldn't be wrong. I guess it depends on how exactly the contract is written.

  25. #2575

    Default Re: University Town Center

    Isn't this the same developer the TIF proponents want to trust $600M with?
    Great idea

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