Quote Originally Posted by adaniel View Post
Except when those beliefs are wrong.

He, like a lot of other conservatives, believe the morning-after pill is just an "abortion in a bottle." The morning after pill is just emergency contraception, i,e. a much more powerful birth control pill. It will do nothing to you if you are already pregnant. It is not the same as RU486, which does terminate pregnancies but is highly regulated. You can't even get it at a pharmacy.

If Hobby Lobby is against paying for birth control than it should just come out and say it. Be consistent. They have a right to their views just like everyone else. The fact that they are not just shows that they are just picking a political fight.

Mr. Green and the executives of Hobby Lobby should seriously themselves this: have they succeeded in their goals if an employee of theirs couldn't get proper access to birth control and had to go get a medical abortion?
Who is to say if he is right or wrong it is his company. I gave to admire him for standing behind his beliefs though.