Quote Originally Posted by Plutonic Panda View Post
wrong. I'm not talking about the overly complex single reverse HOV lanes that you see in Dallas. I am talking about regular HOV lanes on each side of the highway. In a lot of cases for the short term, they don't even require a lane to be removed, you can re-stripe the left shoulder to make an HOV lane. That's it. No new personal needed either. Implement a new law regarding the HOV lanes and have the current police officers enforce it. Simple.

Let me make this clear as well, I am talking about going crazy with HOV lanes around OKC. The first HOV lanes and the only ones I want to see for awhile would be on I-35 south to Norman. Outside of rush hour, it would become a regular lane.
Correct. Here is the HOV lane on I-5 in Portland.

It is only restricted to 2+ occupants Monday thru Friday 3pm-6pm

I think the southbound lane to downtown is M-F 5-8am.