Widgets Magazine
  • Bungalow 23 project commences

    Construction is well underway on Bungalow 23, a project that will unite 9 separate cottages in one unified plan, with common outdoor space between them for seating, games and entertainment.

    Formerly known as Uptown Cottages in the 700 block of NW 23rd in Uptown, the existing eight buildings will be joined by new construction in the center for a pizza place and restrooms.

    The former small homes were all built along the historic Route 66 in 1918 and are being remodeled into 4 restaurants and 5 bars, each with its own theme and offerings.

    Developers and operators are Truong Le of Chick N Beer (which will continue to operate) and Northline Development. The architect is Ken Fitzsimmons of TASK Design.

    The long-vacant Miriwa building to the west will be demolished to provide parking.

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