Widgets Magazine
  • Plan, funding finalized for Union Station

    A firm plan and budget are finally in place for the renovation of one of OKC's most beautiful buildings: Union Station at the south end of Scissortail Park.

    Almost a century old, the building last served railroad riders in 1967. Since that time it's largely been shuttered with occasional office use.

    Fortunately, much of the original grandeur remains and a phased approach will focus on the restoration to event space of the two largest rooms at the north end of the Spanish Mission-style structure.

    The two former waiting rooms have soaring ceilings, lots of natural light and ornate original light fixtures and woodwork. $17 million of excess MAPS 3 funds will be used to restore and rework these spaces and make them available for events with a full catering kitchen.

    Once Unions Station is open and generating revenue, Phase 2 calls for a cafe, gift shop, history center and another event space in the southern section which was originally used as docks for U.S. Mail.

    Plans call for the work to start in the fall of 2023 and reopen in spring 2025.

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