Originally Posted by Bunty Then the state needs to dangle a big carrot of some kind to get school districts to consolidate. I know no law that says school districts can't consolidate. I doubt there is enough political will to pass a law to require school district consolidation. As long as very few to no schools would have to be closed, I don't see why it would be too bad of a deal.
Originally Posted by gaeddert2 New construction has started at Capitol Hill High School
Originally Posted by Bunty Originally Posted by pw405 Very early this morning (about 03:20), I heard an extremely loud explosion in NW OKC. Only saw one other person report it on Twitter. Can't find any info about it. How would I check the seismographs for this time? Was curious if anything registered. This was loud! Anybody else happen to hear it? Or this: Oklahoma Earthquakes After slacking off some, the earthquakes have been stepping it up in frequency for the past several days. At least they're still strongly ...