View Full Version : April 1st Event OKC

01-27-2007, 01:16 PM
Hey have you guys heard? The Oklahoma Coalition Against Domestic Violence & Sexual Assault annouces it's first annual "Take Back the Night Oklahoma" and everyone is welcome to this event featuring free concerts and fun for the whole family!

April 1, 2007
Take Back the Night Oklahoma! March & Rally
Oklahoma State Capitol
Kick off at 3pm

People will gather at the South Plaza of the State Capital on Lincoln Boulevard beginning at 3:00 p.m. The Pre-March Rally will begin at 5:15 p.m. and the March itself will step off at 6:00 p.m. Following the historical march, a rally will begin where people can express their voices and Oklahoma can finally take a stand against Sexual Violence. - Take Back the Night: OK 10,000 People, 1 Night, 1 Cause (

01-27-2007, 01:50 PM
No, actually I haven't heard.

01-27-2007, 04:12 PM
If metro hasn't heard, you ain't advertising.

01-27-2007, 07:11 PM
I actually have heard about this...I think it's great! Oklahoma City needs a fun event like this to bring awareness to such a good cause. It's not until April, so good job at starting the promo early. Now that you guys HAVE heard about it, help them spread the word!

01-28-2007, 12:19 AM
If metro hasn't heard, you ain't advertising.

hehe, jbrown84 that made me laugh!! that's true though, I usually read about every paper there is in OKC and stay in the movers and shakers circles. I went to the website and apparently only 760 people have heard about this or at least visited the website although it claims 10,000 will be there. Women's Rights is a good cause but thats about all the website talks about, it doesn't talk much about the actual event, who will be there, what will take place, etc.

01-28-2007, 10:15 AM
It doesn't surprise me that this website doesn't get as much attention as the 'movers and shakers' site's do. This is something that no one likes to think about. It's not 'fun' or trendy. And it probably has very little financial backing.

I don't see a reason to point out the amount of visitors to this site. We should try to support people who are trying to make a difference and do something to bring awareness of issues affecting other people.

Here's a thought.. rally some of these movers and shakers together and ask them to help support the cause.

Want to be an organizer for your community? Great! We are looking for individuals like yourself to mobilize people across the state. Simply send us an email and let us know you are interested: (

The struggle against sexualized violence is an arduous one, but we must come together to inspire changes in our community and give survivors a place to heal. Take Back the Night is an evening dedicated to raising awareness of sexualized violence committed against children, women and men in Oklahoma communities, while creating a supportive environment for expression and empowerment.
People will gather at the South Plaza of the State Capital on Lincoln Boulevard beginning at 3:00 p.m. The Pre-March Rally will begin at 5:15 p.m. and the March itself will step off at 6:00 p.m. Following the historical march, a rally will begin where people can express their voices and Oklahoma can finally take a stand against Sexual Violence.

01-28-2007, 03:55 PM
hehe, jbrown84 that made me laugh!!

I thought it might.

01-29-2007, 07:38 AM
Thank you for your positive response karried! I couldn't agree more. This is something that everyone wants to look the other way on and pretend it doesn't exist. If they can put together an event that is family oriented and make the event fun then I say let's give it all the support we can. As a promoter and event organizer, I know it's not an easy task planning something like this, and as I said before it's not until April give them a chance to get everything confirmed first and then I am sure you will be seeing more promotion. You are right on the money though, I am positive they don't have a lot to work with especially since they are most likely relying on sponsors and donations. But good for them for bringing awareness to the forefront in Oklahoma City!

I found this also, maybe we can push it around for them! (

01-29-2007, 12:43 PM
I never said anything about them promoting on "movers and shakers" sites if there are even such a thing. I was simply saying that the website needs to be more user friendly. As I said before and I said again, its a good cause (never said anything close to otherwise). The original post claims concerts and fun for the whole family. I looked pretty throughly on their website and couldn't find any details or itinerary for the event. I just was trying to point out it would be helpful to have the days schedule, etc. in an easy to find place on the website. You're right it did mention some, perhaps I was just expecting more details on the event:

People will gather at the South Plaza of the State Capital on Lincoln Boulevard beginning at 3:00 p.m. The Pre-March Rally will begin at 5:15 p.m. and the March itself will step off at 6:00 p.m. Following the historical march, a rally will begin where people can express their voices and Oklahoma can finally take a stand against Sexual Violence.

01-29-2007, 01:39 PM
If metro hasn't heard, you ain't advertising.

that's true though, I usually read about every paper there is in OKC and stay in the movers and shakers circles. I went to the website and apparently only 760 people have heard about this or at least visited the website although it claims 10,000 will be there.

You implied that it wasn't being advertised enough since you hadn't seen it and you stay in your 'circles' .... you then went on to point out the amount of visitors to the site trying to justify why you hadn't heard of this cause. Maybe I'm wrong but it seemed like an effort to demean the original poster, when all she was trying to do was to let the public know about something important to many people.

I suggested, to bring awareness of the cause, that you help support the cause and mention it to your friends in the 'inner circles' ... you know, those movers and shakers...if anyone can help rally support for something, it should be those mover and shakers types.

Hopefully, all of those less fortunate to be in 'the know' could benefit from your contacts and marketing knowledge.

01-29-2007, 02:45 PM
Hi all,

I am glad discussion is going around :)
We are working on getting everything settled with what music groups what special guests will be there. We should have it all on the website soon!

Thanks for the feedback about the site, we want it to be easy for people to view. We have just started advertising this event, and hope that the word will spread! - Take Back the Night: OK 10,000 People, 1 Night, 1 Cause (