View Full Version : A product review

04-26-2006, 07:04 PM
Okay, I may be the only one here with this problem, but I sweat. I'm not a very girlie-girl anyway, but I definitely don't sweat like one! It could be 60 degrees outside and I would sweat.

I saw a commercial the other day with a lady dancing and she put up her arms and there were little sweat rings. I literally thought, "Hey, that's me!" Well, just like me. Being a teacher, this is not pleasant because I'm constantly having to lean over students and often the a/c is out in our building or just my room. Plus my room is warmer because of all the computers!

The commercial was for this certain-dri stuff, it's like a nighttime anti-perspirant. You put it on at night, and it works up to 72 hours. It works by shrinking the pores so you sweat less. Though you are reducing your sweating area by about 6 sq. inches, the rest of your body makes up for it. It's not that much.

I'm on day three and I love it! It itches after you first put it on (I would imagine shrinking pores would feel weird) but I have had no rash, and considering I have had issues with deoderants in the past due to allergic reactions, I was amazed.

I know this is weird, but I know there have got to be other people with this problem and I thought they should know about this product!

04-27-2006, 06:20 PM
You don't have high blood pressure do you? My father-in-law used to sweat profusely until he got is BP under control. Something to look into anyway.

04-27-2006, 06:27 PM
No, it's not high BP. Mine is usually on the low side, actually. I think my last reading was like 116/60 or something.

I know why I sweat more. It's something that started occurring when I started taking a particular prescription.

I don't "profusely" sweat all over, just really under my arms. I do sweat more than before I was on this medication. I've always been hot-natured, too, even as a kid!

04-28-2006, 02:25 PM
Hey bandnerd! Thanks for the heads up on this stuff. Would you mind sending me a PM with the "dirty details" on where/how to get it?

I'm also a "sweater"...I even sweat when I'm cold. Even though it hasn't been officially diagnosed by a doctor (who wants to go into the doc and say "I sweat too much"?), I'm pretty sure I have a condition called "hyperhydrosis". It's delightful, I must say. (I've actually been considering surgery to snip the sympathetic nerve to help control it!)

Anyway, I've tried all sorts of stuff and nothing seems to work except for a prescription product called "Drysol" which actually irritates my overly-sensitive skin. I'm very interested in more information on this! More info, please!

05-02-2006, 04:53 PM
bandnerd, could you also pm with all the info. I have a co-worker who shares your problem.

05-02-2006, 05:20 PM
Apparently, this is a product you can get anywhere like Wal-mart, Walgreen's, etc. It's called Certain-Dri, and I think she said it's on the deodorant aisle.

I forgot to get it last time I was at the store, but will definatly be purchasing it next time I'm there.

05-02-2006, 07:26 PM
I thought I read that Botox injections put a stop to perspiration ( or glistening, as I fondly refer to it... tee hee) ....

05-02-2006, 08:14 PM
Those work, too, but this is a lot cheaper ;)

05-03-2006, 08:44 PM
Botox injections are expensive and they are not permanent. Never mind painful. I've looked into that option as well and have no interest in having a needle stuck in my underarm on a regular basis. And of course, insurance wouldn't dream of covering it. hurts just thinking about it.

05-06-2006, 08:05 AM
i told one of my co-workers about this and she just came in this morning saying that i changed her life. well i dont know if i did that but she said she worked all day at a restaurant and walked to school and there was no sweating. she was amazed. thanks!

05-06-2006, 08:29 AM
I did see a little irritation on one underarm, and it stung pretty badly one morning after shaving and putting on regular deodorant, so I've taken a few days off but I haven't needed it as much since the weather has been so cool and rainy. It really does last more than 24 hours, though. So I'll probably end up using it every other or every third day.