01-28-2006, 07:50 PM
Been giving some thoughts to providing an alternative to TulsaNow. The folks that run that site don't seem to give a lot of attention to it, and participation has plateaued. They're really not going after new members and trying to grow the forum. What would you guys think of having a new, better Tulsa forum, with all the bells and whistles like this site? And of course an active marketing plan to bring members to the site, like we have here?
01-29-2006, 09:52 PM
Since TulsaNow is taken could we call it TulsaHasBeen?
01-30-2006, 08:09 AM
TulsaNow is busier than it has ever been, so I don't know that you could say it has "plateaued" and the Admin is on the site all the time, under his own user name.
But, TulsaNow has a very different mission from this site, so go for it. Here are some other Tulsa area forums I usually avoid:,5
And you can always try to tap into Tulsa's very conservative blog community here:
Interesting thread, I think it would be a challenge to make a Tulsa forum successful that is managed from OKC. I do not personally know anyone in Tulsa that could be my eyes and ears to help get the thing started. It takes not just one but several people to spark and guide discussions on a new board. I personally do not know Tulsa well enough to effectively moderate a forum. The behind the scenes management is no big deal. It is the local involvement that makes all the difference.
01-30-2006, 05:05 PM
I concur. It has been interesting to hear everyone's opinions though.
02-05-2006, 01:18 AM
despite the music implication, they talk about everything in general, including politics.
02-14-2006, 11:46 AM
Been giving some thoughts to providing an alternative to TulsaNow. The folks that run that site don't seem to give a lot of attention to it, and participation has plateaued. They're really not going after new members and trying to grow the forum. What would you guys think of having a new, better Tulsa forum, with all the bells and whistles like this site? And of course an active marketing plan to bring members to the site, like we have here?
You know, a couple of thing here stuck in my mind. I come here in an effort to see what is going on in OKC, becuase we in this poor state are going to have to rise together. And also because often what happens at the state level is more obvious to people in OKC than people in Tulsa. Tulsa, to it's detriment, is a very insular city that really very often doesn't think much of the rest of the state, you are really right about that. OKC is not like that.
Anyway, my thinking was that on the idea of a "TulsaTalks" forum, on the premise that TulsaNow is not doing so well. And the idea that this forum might have more bells and whistles so to speak than TulsaNow, maybe this forum has gotten too stuck on "bells and whistles" and not on content.
To me OKC talk is not doing well, there are not many interesting posts any longer and many posters have gotten so personally combative with tactics like "this topic has been discussed before, go search!" or berating people on personal preferences like sexual orientation that I think many people have been driven away. don't get me wrong, TulsaNow is far more combative than this forum, but the anger is more debate and less personal or petty and therefore less likely to drive people off.
Before you go after a new "market" in Tulsa, so to speak, I think you have a lot of work here to do to right this forum, participlation seems way down, and most of what few posts get placed are on uninteresting (to me) topics like "valentine's day". I think you could learn a lot from a more focused forum like TulsaNow.
For instance, I counted post over the last six hours this morning, 8 here in the last six hours and 38 on TulsaNow, none of which have anything to do with sex toys, pets or dating.
Just my two cents.