View Full Version : Kanbar's Tulsa Buildings

01-11-2006, 01:06 PM
First Place Tower, 15 E 5th St, 41 floors, 516 ft, 624,000 sq ft, 1973

Bank Of America Center, 15 W 6th St, 32 floors, 417 ft, 287,000 sq ft, 1967

Petroleum Club Building, 601 S Boulder, 14 floors, 196 ft, 118,000 sq ft, 1963

Amoco South, 519 S. Boston, 14 floors, 424,000 sq ft, 1965

Philcade, 501 S. Boston Ave, 14 floors, 167 ft, 424,000 sq ft, 1931

Adams Building, 403 S. Cheyenne Ave, 13 floors, 195 ft, 52,000 sq ft, 1928

Atlas Life Building, 415 S. Boston, 12 floors, 93,500 sq ft, 1922

The Secure Agent Building, 111 W. Fifth St, 10 floors, 165 ft, 98,000 sq ft, 1928

Enterprise Building, 610 S Boston, 9 floors, 132,000 sq ft

Two West Sixth Street Building, 8 floors, 66,000 sq ft, 1929

The Pythian Building, 423 S. Boulder Ave, 3 floors, 40,000 sq ft

other buildings:

The Oil Capital Building, 507 S. Main St, 7 Floors, 38,000 sq ft, 1920
201 Building, 201 W 5th, 6 floors, 73,000 sq ft
Avanti Building, 810 S Cincinnati, 6 floors, 80,000 sq ft
McBirney Building, 417 S Main, 3 floors, 6,000 sq ft
Cordell Building, 419 S Main, 3 floors, 6,000 sq ft
One Main Plaza, 610 S Main, 3 floors, 32,000 sq ft
Two Main Plaza, 616, S Main, 3 floors, 32,000 sq ft

01-11-2006, 02:17 PM
just asking. Whats the reason to post these pics? just cause or were they recently part of a news story? or recently sold? or ? again, just asking.

01-11-2006, 05:36 PM
Maurice Kanbar, owner of Skyy vodka and a San Francisco philanthropist, has purchased 28% of downtown Tulsa’s space, about 2.25 million square feet of usable space in at least 18 buildings. Most of the buildings he has bought are functioning but obsolete art deco office buildings. His vision is to convert the use of many of the buildings he has bought to residential, arts and retail uses. His stated vision is to make the core of downtown Tulsa into a “Soho” like area. The buildings I put pictures with are the larger and more significant buildings he has bought. He has spent over $100 million dollars to purchase this space and plans to spend much more to redo these buildings.

01-11-2006, 06:19 PM
More important, it shows that someone is willing to give downtown Tulsa a makeover and is betting that it will pay off big time. I hope he's right.

01-11-2006, 08:40 PM
Congratulations Swake. We're all very excited for what's happening in Tulsa.

01-12-2006, 08:58 AM

01-23-2006, 08:51 AM
absolutely, its good to see Tulsa coming out of a slump, we need two great metropolitan areas in this state that can compliment one another

01-23-2006, 09:57 AM
In the world over the weekend they reported that Kanbar and Kauffman have bought 20 buildings that hold 2.57 million square feet of class B and C space, which is 32% of downtown Tulsa for $108 million dollars.

They are renovating the first building now into lofts and have applied for some 2025 matching funds on a second and are meeting with people in the community to see what is the best use of each of the other buildings.

To put this in perspective 2.57 million square feet would be about half of downtown OKC, or nearly three times as large as your First National Center.

Two other downtown purchases have been made recently, the Williams Center Buildings (not the bok tower, the black buildings across the street)sold for $42.5 million dollars and have 770,000 square feet of class A space and the Parker Building, which is empty and has been for some time sold for $900,000 and has 56,000 sq ft of space. That means over 40% of downtown has changed hands in the last 90 days and the new 750,000 sq ft Wiltel building is also for sale.

02-01-2006, 04:41 PM
I have heard a rumor and wondering if anyone can confirm or deny it.

Kanbar is looking to build an "International Sports Complex" between Tulsa and Oklahoma City hoping to lure the Summer Olympics in 2012.

Has anyone heard this or have any comments?

02-01-2006, 04:57 PM
The 2012 Olympics have been already been awarded to London.

London beat out New York, Moscow and Paris.

Tulsa/OKC does not really fit so much on that list now do they?

02-01-2006, 05:27 PM
I have heard a rumor and wondering if anyone can confirm or deny it.

Kanbar is looking to build an "International Sports Complex" between Tulsa and Oklahoma City hoping to lure the Summer Olympics in 2012.

Has anyone heard this or have any comments?


02-02-2006, 10:15 PM
That is ridiculous! WOW!

02-04-2006, 07:04 PM
It turns out that Kanbar also owns the McFarlin Building and it is already undergoing conversion to residential space.

02-06-2006, 05:15 PM
A good article on how Kaufman & Kanbar came to invest in Tulsa...

Article states that Kaufman morphed SoHo in NYC from deserted and dilapdated to an upscale and highly-sought after neighborhood.

Also, I have read their plans might include moving offices off of every first floor put in retail on the buildings they own. Then place service industry on the 2nd and 3rd floors with middle floors for offices. Then rent the top floors for residential.

02-07-2006, 12:22 PM
Kanbar is currently converting the entire McFarlin and ONG buildings to lofts, except for the first floor retail space. So that is three loft projects (with the philtower) under construction downtown along with the Village at Central Park townhouses being built. And sometime in the next couple of weeks the city will choose 2 or 3 winners for the vision2025 downtown housing money and construction on those should start this summer.

02-07-2006, 04:56 PM
We need to attract Kanbar and Kauffman to downtown OKC as well, it would only speed up the momentum here as well as the good works they have going on in Tulsa