View Full Version : New Tulsa Mayor?

01-10-2006, 01:54 PM
Read this story, and I hope Tulsa elects this lady. Sure, Bill Lafortune has a lot of history in Tulsa, but it's time for fresh blood in Tulsa. Time to get past all of the bickering that's occurred in recent years.

Tulsans, what do you think?

Taylor to run for Tulsa mayor

By Paul Monies
The Oklahoman

Oklahoma Commerce Secretary Kathy Taylor filed papers Monday for the Tulsa mayoral race and will leave her state post by the end of the week.

Taylor said she's been weighing a run for Tulsa mayor for a while and felt the city lacked strong leadership.

"As I traveled around the communities in Oklahoma and around the country, I just saw clearly that Tulsa wasn't keeping pace," Taylor said.

Taylor is one of three announced candidates in the Democratic primary. So far, incumbent Mayor Bill LaFortune has two challengers on the Republican side.

In a statement, Gov. Brad Henry said he appreciated Taylor's public service. He did not immediately name a successor for the state's top commerce post.

"Kathy Taylor has been a tremendous asset to the state of Oklahoma as the leader of our commerce and tourism efforts," Henry said. "During her time here, she has probably done more to boost Oklahoma's economy and image than any other person in the state."

Henry appointed Taylor as secretary of Commerce and Tourism in February 2003. Her tenure at the department began amid budget cuts as the state dealt with large deficits. Taylor was involved in deals that brought Dell Inc. to Oklahoma City and a bid to bring an assembly plant for Boeing Co.'s 7E7 Dreamliner to Tulsa. The city didn't make the cut, but was among six finalists for the factory.

Steve Hendrickson, director of state and local government relations for Boeing in Oklahoma, said Taylor helped shape the Commerce Department into an agency that was more responsive to business needs. Hendrickson is chairman of the Governor's Council for Workforce and Economic Development.

"It's probably one of the most business-friendly environments you could possibly create in the public sector," Hendrickson said of the Commerce Department. "Kathy was able to navigate through this very large sea of bureaucracy, focus it and do a lot of fundamental system changes that really lowered operating costs."

Taylor, 50, is married to William Lobeck, co-owner and chief executive officer of Vanguard Car Rental USA Inc. Although she's never held elected office, Taylor pointed to her experience at the Commerce Department, as well as previous stints as a corporate attorney and her work with Tulsa community groups.

"I'm actually energized by the race because the end goal is to have the opportunity to make a difference in Tulsa," she said.

LaFortune said he's led the city through a difficult economic period. He pointed to the 2003 passage of Tulsa County's Vision 2025 economic development package that included help for American Airlines' massive maintenance depot and provided funding for a new downtown arena. "How can you have a lack of leadership and pass those kinds of initiatives?" LaFortune asked The Associated Press.

A three-day filing period for municipal elections in Tulsa County began Monday. The primaries are March 7, with the general election scheduled for April 4. Contributing: The Associated Press

01-10-2006, 03:29 PM
From what little I know of her I think she would do a fine job. But, she already has the KFAQ and Bateslines of the world lining up against her for being part of a group that backed a petition to redo the city council........

But Taylor was never going to be another Chris Medlock so they were never going to support her anyway. And besides she's a woman and a democrat. The same types hated Susan Savage when she was mayor for much of the same reasons. Savage was an insider in city politics, she was a woman and a democrat and didn't help herself by acting imperial everytime she was in public. Horror of horrors she also used her maiden name in politics. She was evil in much the same way Hillary is nationally, I look for the same type of smear campaign from the right against Taylor.

I think Taylor wins in a cake walk, Tom Baker, district four councilor and the democratic front runner to date dropped out and is backing her. I look for a bloody primary race between Medlock and LaFortune (and Christiansen if he stays in the race) that leaves her the easy winner in the general election.