View Full Version : OU Construction

10-31-2005, 06:01 PM
An update on projects proposed or under construction at OU.

National Weather Center - currently under construction. The NWC will house the NWS-Norman office, Storm Prediction Center, NOAA, the National Severe Storms Laboratory, and the OU School of Meteorology. The anchor of the South Campus at Hwy. 9 and Jenkins.

Student Housing (dorm towers) - currently under construction. Complete renovation of the towers including new furniture, bathrooms, etc.

Student Housing (apartments) - currently under construction. New apartments to replace the old Yorkshire Apartments at Chautauqua and Imhoff.

Devon Energy Hall (Boyd and Jenkins) - construction to begin Spring 2006. Part of the developing Engineering Quadrangle that will include Carson Engineering Center, Felgar Hall, and the proposed Engineering Practice Facility.

Wagner Student Services Center - construction to begin Spring 2006. 38,000 sf student advising center with writing/computer labs, study areas, and a 24 hour coffee shop.

Research Facility - construction to begin Summer 2006. 50,000 sf research office building to be built at the South Campus.

Chemistry Lab Building - proposed. OU officials are deciding whether to build this new building on the main campus or the South Campus (hopefully they build it on the main campus).

Gould Hall renovation and expansion - proposed. Architecture students and admins are currently working to develop ideas to renovate the building, one of the ugliest on campus. The school has already secured funding, they are now just working on a design.

Gaylord Hall Phase II - proposed. Phase II includes a new auditorium and lecture hall to be built onto the northside of the building.

Did I miss anything?

11-01-2005, 12:39 AM
Finally starting work on the Crain soccer grandstand.

11-01-2005, 03:24 AM
Wow, OU just keeps impressing me. The campus is going to be one of the most admiring ones yet. Heard anything about getting some parking problems during game days? I would like to see a raised parking garage or something. I really hope some day they address the traffic issue and do something to widden the roads or something.

11-01-2005, 04:33 PM
OU's problem is that it has parking lots that should be multi-level garages. The parking lots by Dale Hall and Sarkeys Energy Center are good examples. These could be parking garages that would then free up valuable space that is now parking near Campus Corner (along University Ave.), near the stadium by the Duck Pond (possible future location of an alumni center/new basketball arena), and by the dorms along Lindsey (possible future expansion of the Huffman student rec center). Consolidating parking and creating more urban density around the main campus will be big improvements over the next few years.

11-09-2005, 02:09 PM
There is a parking garage by Cassett.

11-10-2005, 01:25 PM
Here's a rendering for the Wagner Center -- the land has already been cleared between the Fieldhouse and the new Price Hall:

Also, if you haven't seen the newly renovated Holmberg Hall (new called the Reynolds Center) it's a complete knockout:

As is Price Hall:

11-10-2005, 01:31 PM
In addition to the $8 million overhaul of Gould Hall (which will feature a complete new facade and front lobby), Rhyne, Hester and Old Science halls will all receive major updates.

Also, the Yorkshire Apartments have been pulled down and are being replaced with more units likes Traditions Square (shown in the first post on this thread).

11-10-2005, 01:44 PM
Just out of curiosity, where are you guys finding out about all the upcoming projects? I see the ones that are currently under construction, but remain unable to find listings/releases about upcoming construction/future projects. Thanks.

11-10-2005, 02:01 PM
Here's a link to all the projects that will be funded by the recent bond issue:

11-13-2005, 10:35 PM
There was a big article in the Oklahoman Sunday about how there is a "debate" regarding the location of a new chemistry building at OU. University officials want to put this new $36 million building at the South Campus by the weather center. Others, including chemistry professors (and myself) believe this building should be built on OU's main campus, maybe build on a current surface parking lot or tear an old office building down and build tall.

There is a forum to discuss the issue at 7 pm November 30th at the Stephenson Research Center (by Lloyd Noble Center). Everyone who can should come and convince the OU admin. that this building should be built on OU's "walking campus" and not the research park, about a mile from the rest of campus.

11-14-2005, 01:03 PM
BG, I had been wondering about the new chemistry complex because they had been vague about the location.

I understand the idea of wanting to have the new facility be a part of the research campus, but I hate the idea of classes being spread out over that distance.

I would much rather them build it on the main campus and I hope that's the outcome.

11-14-2005, 05:32 PM
Exxon Mobil unveils $5 million gift to OU

By The Associated Press

Exxon Mobil Corp. announced Monday a $5 million gift to the University of Oklahoma to help build an engineering practice facility that will anchor a new engineering complex on the northeast corner of OU's main Norman campus.

Groundbreaking for the two-story, 40,000-square-foot building is set for spring 2006 with a targeted completion date of late summer or early fall of 2007.

Designed to help prepare engineering students for careers in the industry, the practice facility will include space for students to design and build interdisciplinary projects and complete senior capstone projects. It also will feature activities for students in kindergarten through 12th grade designed to encourage the study of engineering and science.

"The facility itself is the first of its kind," said Truman Bell, education program officer for Irving, Texas-based Exxon Mobil Corp. "One thing we like about it, not only does it help train engineers, but it brings through K-through-12 students to encourage them to consider engineering and related fields."

Lee Raymond, Exxon Mobil's chairman and chief executive officer, announced the gift during a ceremony on campus Monday with OU President David L. Boren.

Boren said the OU Board of Regents is expected to approve naming the building the ExxonMobil Lawrence G. Rawl Engineering Practice Facility in honor of the company's former chairman and CEO who died in February at the age of 76.

Rawl, a 1952 OU petroleum engineering graduate, served as chairman and CEO of Exxon Corp. from 1987 until his retirement in 1993. He served for several years on the OU College of Engineering's Board of Visitors and established a scholarship at the university.

"Today's ceremonies are a fitting tribute to Larry Rawl, a man whose life exemplified the highest and most ennobling aspects of intellectual achievement, leadership, integrity and service to others," Raymond said. "I know that he would be honored and humbled by having this premier engineering facility named after him on his alma mater's campus."

11-14-2005, 06:05 PM
Here's where I think they are planning to build that engineering practice facility:

11-14-2005, 10:21 PM
^ I believe you're right, the engineering practice facility will anchor the south end of the current parking lot at Felgar and Jenkins, just south of Devon Hall. I wonder if they will have to tear down Craddock Hall, 40,000 sf at only 2 stories is pretty big for that site. I love seeing more density on the main campus, that is why it is so important the new chemistry building is built here.

Here is a map of the sprawling South Campus. It's nicely landscaped and the buildings are nice and modern but it's basically just an office park along Highway 9. The new chemistry building would be built just to the right (east) of the Stephenson Tech. Center. Most of the other parcels are for private research buildings to be built in the future.

It would be so awesome if they developed the mostly open land to the north of the South Campus (east of Jenkins, south of Constitution, west of Jimmie Austin golf course) into a mixed-use retail/residential area. Those that worked at the research park or students could live there and walk/bike to their work/class and also a few restaurants and shops. People coming to basketball games at Lloyd Noble could also get something to eat or drink before/after games by just walking across Jenkins. It's just a few small buildings and the OU bus lot now, definitely under-utilized being so close to both campuses.

11-15-2005, 09:08 AM
Yes, with the increased density on the main campus and the removal of many of the parking lots, it makes sense to build more housing on the south campus then offer effecient shuttles from their to the classroom buildings.

Norman has a big shortage or rentals and having students on campus creates a much better university community.

There is tons of space in that area for future development... OU is really position well for lots more future grow and enhancements.