View Full Version : Cellular Bad Luck Finally Caught Me

Bill Robertson
05-27-2019, 12:31 PM
I’v had a cell phone since they became commercially available. I’ve NEVER damaged one. So I NEVER buy the insurance. Well, my iPhone 8 started acting funky and my 3 years of paying for it were up so I go get an iPhone XsMax. This little voice that, thank God, I hear pretty often tells me to get the insurance this time. I had the phone 4 hours and dropped it in the garage. It hit directly on one corner then bounced onto the opposite corner. SHATTERED the screen. AT&T sent a mobile tech to replace the screen and all is good as new. For a $49 deductible that is.

06-12-2019, 05:11 PM
I’v had a cell phone since they became commercially available. I’ve NEVER damaged one. So I NEVER buy the insurance. Well, my iPhone 8 started acting funky and my 3 years of paying for it were up so I go get an iPhone XsMax. This little voice that, thank God, I hear pretty often tells me to get the insurance this time. I had the phone 4 hours and dropped it in the garage. It hit directly on one corner then bounced onto the opposite corner. SHATTERED the screen. AT&T sent a mobile tech to replace the screen and all is good as new. For a $49 deductible that is.

That is the reason I have an Iphone 8. I have a silicon case for it and I drop it on a daily basis and it keeps working. I'm afraid that the X would not take as much abuse.

Bill Robertson
06-15-2019, 11:51 AM
New screen that insurance covered and it’s like new. And a big wallet case that I wish I had received a couple days earlier.