View Full Version : Tulsa Roads

07-28-2005, 03:27 PM
Looks like Tulsa is finally going to get the funds to widen I-44. All I have to say is it's about time. I completely understand Tulsa's frustration with lack of highway funds. I-44 has needed work for years now.

"Road plans for Tulsa revealed

By Larry Levy
The Oklahoman

TULSA - A $3.6 billion program to update the Tulsa area's transportation system during the next 25 years is to be unveiled today at a public hearing held by the Indian Nations Council of Governments.

State's roads / bridges

Fixing Oklahoma's bridges -- the nation's worst -- would cost taxpayers billions of dollars. All proposed remedies fall woefully short, The Oklahoman has found.

The long-range plan, updated every five years to meet federal requirements, includes the Tulsa metropolitan area from Sapulpa on the west to Claremore on the east, and from Collinsville on the north to Coweta on the south, said Timothy Armer, transportation planning manager.

The top priority is widening the four-mile stretch of Interstate 44 from S Yale Avenue west to the Arkansas River, which is a project near the land acquisition stage.

The second priority is a four-lane portion of I-44 on the east side of Tulsa where the highway drops from 10 lanes to four lanes and increases to 12 lanes, Armer said.

Roads in all categories will get about 80 percent of the dollars, based on current funding trends, with about 20 percent made available for public transportation and about 2.5 percent, or $88 million, for biking and pedestrian trails, he said.

The public hearing will be at 10 a.m. today at the Tulsa City-County Central Library."

09-03-2005, 06:10 AM
Many people complain about the roads here in Tulsa but I am one that finds them exceptional compared to other cities.

There are so many roads here, that one can always find an alternate route if there is road construction.

I-44 has been a problem for years (and I mean like 30 years) but it is finally getting done, except for the new section there about to start from Yale to Riverside.

The major concern I have is toll booths that may be put on them in time.

09-03-2005, 12:40 PM
Porky, I don't think he was talking about finding your way around.

Our roads are exceptional....other than the fact that two lanes of 244 had to be shut down because the bridge was crumbling.