View Full Version : Barber Shop/Non Frou-Frou Salon in Midtown

03-14-2012, 01:05 PM
Anyone know of a good Hair person in midtown/uptown area? Preferably in an establishment that is not necessarily Male oriented but at least Male friendly?

I say that because in previous cities I have found people that I like that work in Salon's where I can feel the life (read: gossip) being sucked out of the room when a man walks in, its uncomfortable.

I should mention, I don't mind spending a little more on a haircut than I would at supercuts in exchange for personalized service, but I don't intend on spending $50+ a month.


03-16-2012, 07:19 AM
I think there is a shop next door to Beatnix Cafe on 13th. There is also an old fashioned barber just north of 18th and Classen.

03-16-2012, 09:40 AM
When I moved to the uptown/midtown area I tried finding a barber shop too. I started near midtown and worked my way all around. Couldn't find a place that I was comfortable with until lately.

Le Hair Salon at 26th and Classen, men's cut and wash for $10. Friendly place and it's a new salon family owned, and open 7 days a week.

If you want old school barber there is one across the street Hanks Barber Shop. Truly a men's barber shop, they cut and shave the old fashion style. I would recommend Hanks too, although they are little slow, not wanting to rush the cut and take their time using straight razors.

Hope this helps.

03-16-2012, 10:45 AM
Flux Salon in the Lofts at Maywood Park. I go to April, who owns the shop, and she's excellent. (Full disclosure: I work for the company that is Flux's landlord. But I stand by my praise for April.)

03-16-2012, 12:27 PM
He said non salon and in Midtown though

03-22-2012, 11:43 AM
To be fair I said Midtown/Uptown and I said that a Salon is ok as long as it is a male friendly salon. I've been planning on going by Hanks, just as soon as I'm done with these 15 hour workdays that have prevented me from accomplishing anything outside of work recently.