Pete: I attended Central High School and when I could afford it would eat there (had an old car that took all my money). I would have swore it was on Northwest Sixth Street, but see it was on Northwest Fifth.

As a side note: Central High School Cafeteria was the very worst excuse for a meal provider EVER. Nobody ate there. Those that brought their lunch occupied the tables.
I do not know if it was the quality of the food provided, the staff or just teenagers desire for food teenagers ate. My father and mother as well as a bunch of aunts and uncles all graduated from Central and they all agreed, it was terrible even back in 1934 when my father attended.

Jimmy was a character I will never forget. After hiring on the police department in Dallas after my military service there was a Greek owned cafe called Gus' and the owner was a lot like Jimmy. You did not leave hungry and it was inexpensive so all the cops ate there.