I'm so glad that the leaders don't fall for these very uninformed arguments about weather, natural and un-natural disasters, whetever comes to mind - arguments trying to kill development. It is very clear that skyscraper designs today have been enhanced to allow buildings to withstand just about any disaster, possibly including an unnatural plane attack.

I think it was disgusting of the former NY resident to even bring that up, she opened the wounds not the developer. WTC was a completely different type of skyscraper, that was exposed during the attack. I hate to say it but WTC was a sitting duck for the type of unnatural attack - but towers are not built that way anymore. Why try to use that even to discourage a tower here? It'd almost be similar to saying someone could park a truck bomb near the tower and we'd have 1995 again. ...

As for the light polution. You're downtown, there will be light and sound pollution - thats where we want it. The billboards, if approved, will likely follow the same restrictions as the other skyscrapers in OKC - they'd have to turn off at midnight or whever Devon and BOKPP turn theirs off. I suspect they may even need to follow First National - especially since it is the current benchmark for OKC/Luxury Highrise - when they turn theirs off at 10:30ish. Arguing over seeing the tower in Del City - yes you will be. But the lights wont be much different in intensity than the Devon Tower, and IMO it's part of the allure of the tower. Now, should there be so many lights/billboards; probably not.

But to use many false pretenses (Oklahoma weather, tornadoes, earthquakes, terrorism??, lights/billboards) to me just speaks of nymbiasm moreso than a real concern that the building shouldn't be built.