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Thread: Question: What are OKC drivers like compared to other cities?

  1. #176

    Default Re: Question: What are OKC drivers like compared to other cities?

    Quote Originally Posted by OK BBQ Eater Anonymous View Post
    It has happened to me multiple times and it takes a lot of restraint for me to keep from brake checking them but that would just lower me to their level.... maybe lower.

    I would wager that the majority of people flashing their lights to pass are in fact breaking the speed limit. So no, not all, but most.
    I only flash my lights at a left-lane-no-passer has the lane next to them free to move over. I give them a few flashes, a few times, then I blow past them in the lane they *should've* moved to, laying on my horn all the way.

    As far as brake-checking goes - I hate my car, don't care if it gets totaled and I've pretty much decided the next time someone pulls that crap on me, they will get what they asked for, either rear-ended or I'll fly around in front of them and give them a taste of their own medicine ("gee, I didn't really want to hit that dog that ran across the highway, you didn't see it, wow, sorry about that"). Do not pull that crap on someone, just move over, don't play cop.

  2. #177

    Default Re: Question: What are OKC drivers like compared to other cities?

    I think hell froze over yesterday. Was on I-35 NB around the 89th St exit, cruising along at 70 in the left lane (speed limit 60), when I look up and no less than 4 cars passed me on the right. Incredible! Had never had this happen to me here ever. Maybe the memo got out that you can drive on the interstate at faster than 50? Fine by me!

  3. Default Re: Question: What are OKC drivers like compared to other cities?

    There's at least one Saturn in this town that can't make it up to 50, and it was my misfortune to land behind it half a mile from my exit.

  4. #179

    Default Re: Question: What are OKC drivers like compared to other cities?

    I try SO HARD to be a considerate driver. When somebody needs in, I generally let them. If I almost change lanes in front of another driver who's in my blind spot (even though my car has sensors in the rear-view mirrors that turn red and beep at you if you attempt to change lanes and there's another car there...it's not 100% foolproof), I make sure to wave and mouth "Sorry!". If a vehicle with plates from another state does something stupid, I don't get upset, telling myself that perhaps they weren't aware that the right-hand lane of westbound I-44 ends as it curves to the south near 39th, that they were just uninformed and not being an asshole trying to run up in front of everyone else on the right-hand side...

    But then we get those left-lane people! Seriously, it's massive insanity when there's a big open highway with two other lanes to the right of the left lane that are available for the slower cars to hang in, and yet they stay in the fast lane going less than the speed limit! I'm not a light-flasher, primarily because in this particular car it's harder to do quickly...when the "adaptive high-beam" system is engaged, it takes two clicks forward to flash your headlamps...I would rather not bother, and also it pisses people off. I also try very hard not to tailgate, but it's challenging. What I wind up doing it passing on the right, and doing this little acceleration maneuver that makes my little girl scream in fear (although it's not at all dangerous...it just makes her stomach flutter). It shouldn't have to be that way. Like somebody said upthread, these people think it's THEIR left lane.

    And then there's Hefner Parkway northbound, just north of the 63rd Street exit, when the road curves slightly, and people BRAKE, apparently just because of that little curve! Why do they do that?! Really?

    The good news is that with all these left lane huggers, I'm way less likely to get that speeding ticket that I'm fairly certain I'm going to get at some point driving my current car. I haven't been ticketed since 1994, so I'm afraid I'm due. It better be a good one!

  5. Default Re: Question: What are OKC drivers like compared to other cities?

    Quote Originally Posted by turnpup View Post
    And then there's Hefner Parkway northbound, just north of the 63rd Street exit, when the road curves slightly, and people BRAKE, apparently just because of that little curve! Why do they do that?! Really?
    This! My morning commute takes me up the Parkway to Britton Road, where there is a bigger curve, and I often get stuck 4th or 5th in line behind the paranoid driver doing 45-50 on the approach to that exit because they can't see beyond the Britton Road overpass. What obstacle do they think they're going to encounter on a 6-lane, 65-MPH freeway?

  6. #181

    Default Re: Question: What are OKC drivers like compared to other cities?

    Quote Originally Posted by OKCDrummer77 View Post
    This! My morning commute takes me up the Parkway to Britton Road, where there is a bigger curve, and I often get stuck 4th or 5th in line behind the paranoid driver doing 45-50 on the approach to that exit because they can't see beyond the Britton Road overpass. What obstacle do they think they're going to encounter on a 6-lane, 65-MPH freeway?
    Since you mention it, I was going a breezy just-under-70 on I-240 one night when I stumbled upon a recliner sitting upright in the center lane of I-240. Perhaps that's what they're anticipating? LOL

  7. #182

    Default Re: Question: What are OKC drivers like compared to other cities?

    Quote Originally Posted by jompster View Post
    Since you mention it, I was going a breezy just-under-70 on I-240 one night when I stumbled upon a recliner sitting upright in the center lane of I-240. Perhaps that's what they're anticipating? LOL
    Speaking of obstructions in the center lane, it seems like the popular thing to do this week going southbound on i235 near 10th is for someone in the right lane to crash into someone in the center lane, there have been two in the last week (maybe three, I think the third was was just rear ending someone but after the delays it causes I would rather go than gawk).

  8. #183

    Default Re: Question: What are OKC drivers like compared to other cities?

    Quote Originally Posted by Snowman View Post
    Speaking of obstructions in the center lane, it seems like the popular thing to do this week going southbound on i235 near 10th is for someone in the right lane to crash into someone in the center lane, there have been two in the last week (maybe three, I think the third was was just rear ending someone but after the delays it causes I would rather go than gawk).
    I noticed that as well. Two accidents I witnessed were both caused by people not checking lanes before they got into them, and you can't put two cars into the same lane at the same exact point. Also, what is the deal with people going from the 2nd lane across the right lane and directly into an exit? I've seen this at least 3 or 4 times a day. If you know your exit is approaching, why not get over into the right lane ahead of time?

  9. Default Re: Question: What are OKC drivers like compared to other cities?

    Quote Originally Posted by jompster View Post
    I've seen this at least 3 or 4 times a day. If you know your exit is approaching, why not get over into the right lane ahead of time?
    I see this happening way too often. I saw a car stop in the middle lane and turn their blinker on, on Shields last week during rush hour, because they wanted to turn left....... You miss your turn. You keep moving and find a safe place to make a u-turn.

    The lack of common sense and feeling of entitlement in todays drivers is appalling. I really wish there was a stronger presence of traffic law enforcement but heck most of the time I see police vehicles breaking traffic laws too.

  10. #185

    Default Re: Question: What are OKC drivers like compared to other cities?

    Anyone know what was up with I-235 yesterday evening around 6-ish? Northbound looked like it had a big accident, but southbound (which I was on) was having a jam as well with multiple different groups of cars pulled over by the police from around the capital area down to the junction. Just lots of people having fender benders, or was there some sort of police operation going on?

  11. #186

    Default Re: Question: What are OKC drivers like compared to other cities?

    A lot of people are making their own rules these days ... Eastbound 122nd to southbound Broadway Extension for example. There are only two eastbound lanes on 122nd, with the right lane the only right turn lane available to access Broadway. I can't count how many times that when I've came to the stop sign to make a right hand turn, or been in line waiting my turn, there's someone who comes flying up in the left lane and then punches it to make the right hand turn in front of me or who ever else happens to be at the stop sign. .... Total disregard for the other folks who are in line to take their turns.

  12. #187

    Default Re: Question: What are OKC drivers like compared to other cities?

    Today, on my way to work on 44/Hefner Parkway from 23rd to Britton, I encountered a white van in the left lane going 50mph with a quarter mile between he and the person in front of him. There was a car to his right but even when there wasn't, he was still going 50-55 in the left lane. I am curious if some people think if they are traveling a long distance, it is best to stay in the left lane regardless of their speed.

  13. #188

    Default Re: Question: What are OKC drivers like compared to other cities?

    My biggest gripe is that these days it seems only a very few people use turn signals! I mean, it's not something done for YOU. It's a way to let OTHERS know your intentions, thereby decreasing the likelihood of an accident. This is especially true when changing lanes on a multiple-lane roadway. Seems like common sense, but I swear almost nobody uses them.

    Why is that? Is is because it takes a teensy little bit of extra effort? Or is it because of that sense of entitlement, as somebody mentioned upthread: Mine, mine, mine! My car. My road. My right to turn or switch lanes unannounced and damn anyone who thinks otherwise!

    You know what, though? The people who I do still see using their signals are the ones who run way up ahead of everyone else on a lane closure, refusing to take their proper place in line, and then suddenly when they're up at the point where their bumper is about to hit the cones, that's when they put on that turn signal. Cause they suddenly want to be a courteous driver and to play by the rules. Right.

    My husband and I joke that cars today must not come equipped with turn signals.

  14. #189

    Default Re: Question: What are OKC drivers like compared to other cities?

    Quote Originally Posted by turnpup View Post
    Why is that? Is is because it takes a teensy little bit of extra effort? Or is it because of that sense of entitlement, as somebody mentioned upthread: Mine, mine, mine! My car. My road. My right to turn or switch lanes unannounced and damn anyone who thinks otherwise!
    How can you expect someone to use their turn signal to say they are getting over? They are already texting while driving and have to have at least one hand on the wheel! ::end sarcasm::

  15. #190

    Default Re: Question: What are OKC drivers like compared to other cities?

    Quote Originally Posted by OK BBQ Eater Anonymous View Post
    I see this happening way too often. I saw a car stop in the middle lane and turn their blinker on, on Shields last week during rush hour, because they wanted to turn left....... You miss your turn. You keep moving and find a safe place to make a u-turn.
    I have seen this happening only in the past few years, only in OKC, and I do absolutely everything I can to make sure they know they have absolutely no right to stop ANY other traffic because they're stupid and missed their turn. Seen it happen on May Ave, MacArthur, all kinds of main streets. It's unbelievable how many times I've seen this since moving back to OKC, just completely baffled as to how anybody thinks this is acceptable.

    I'm guessing that Driver's Ed isn't taught much (or at all) anymore, from what I've heard from folks with teenagers, so there are whole pieces of information that we know that they don't get taught anymore, but doing something like that is just completely absurd and should be known as unacceptable even if you've had NO Driver's Ed at all.

  16. #191

    Default Re: Question: What are OKC drivers like compared to other cities?

    ...and yet, everyone is still choosing to live where driving is a requirement. It seems to me the solution for dealing with bad driving habits is easer solved by not having to drive myself rather than correcting the behavior of 400,000 other people.

  17. #192

    Default Re: Question: What are OKC drivers like compared to other cities?

    I'm sure most of us in this thread don't do these things, but if you know someone that does (or if you actually do them), please let me know what the thinking process is behind them, I'm curious as hell....

    Changing lanes into a left turn lane without using any signals at all, sitting there without signaling while it's red, then when it turns green, you turn your signal on

    Stopping at a red light with a car's length between you and the car in front of you, then creeping up a foot or so every 10 seconds (used to annoy me incredibly when I drove a stick shift, doesn't so much anymore, but still weird)

    Travelling 40 MPH in the right lane of a 4 lane street, and when passing someone in the left lane turning left, you slow down to 10-20 MPH

    Sitting in the left lane on a highway, I can kind of understand as ignorance and entitlement, but these things just make me wonder how someone's brain is wired...

  18. #193

    Default Re: Question: What are OKC drivers like compared to other cities?

    Quote Originally Posted by Just the facts View Post
    ...and yet, everyone is still choosing to live where driving is a requirement. It seems to me the solution for dealing with bad driving habits is easer solved by not having to drive myself rather than correcting the behavior of 400,000 other people.
    Well, if Chicago wasn't so miserably cold and expensive, I'd still be there riding trains into and out of the city and taking buses and the El, as well as walking once I got into the city.

    Circumstances kind of forced me to move back to OKC, so I didn't really choose of my own free volition and willingness to come back to OKC, I wouldn't've if I would've had pretty much any other choice at the time. So I live with all the stupidity because I don't have the money to leave again. So you can make that "everyone -1"

  19. #194

    Default Re: Question: What are OKC drivers like compared to other cities?

    Quote Originally Posted by turnpup View Post
    My biggest gripe is that these days it seems only a very few people use turn signals! I mean, it's not something done for YOU. It's a way to let OTHERS know your intentions, thereby decreasing the likelihood of an accident. This is especially true when changing lanes on a multiple-lane roadway. Seems like common sense, but I swear almost nobody uses them.

    Why is that? Is is because it takes a teensy little bit of extra effort? Or is it because of that sense of entitlement, as somebody mentioned upthread: Mine, mine, mine! My car. My road. My right to turn or switch lanes unannounced and damn anyone who thinks otherwise!

    You know what, though? The people who I do still see using their signals are the ones who run way up ahead of everyone else on a lane closure, refusing to take their proper place in line, and then suddenly when they're up at the point where their bumper is about to hit the cones, that's when they put on that turn signal. Cause they suddenly want to be a courteous driver and to play by the rules. Right.

    My husband and I joke that cars today must not come equipped with turn signals.
    That's funny because my wife and I joke about how turn signals must be optional on new cars.. even the very expensive ones.

  20. #195

    Default Re: Question: What are OKC drivers like compared to other cities?

    Quote Originally Posted by TheTravellers View Post
    Well, if Chicago wasn't so miserably cold and expensive, I'd still be there riding trains into and out of the city and taking buses and the El, as well as walking once I got into the city.

    Circumstances kind of forced me to move back to OKC, so I didn't really choose of my own free volition and willingness to come back to OKC, I wouldn't've if I would've had pretty much any other choice at the time. So I live with all the stupidity because I don't have the money to leave again. So you can make that "everyone -1"
    I haven't been up there in a while. ... I miss it.

    Here's one for you TheTravelers ...

  21. #196

    Default Re: Question: What are OKC drivers like compared to other cities?

    Quote Originally Posted by Just the facts View Post
    ...and yet, everyone is still choosing to live where driving is a requirement. It seems to me the solution for dealing with bad driving habits is easer solved by not having to drive myself rather than correcting the behavior of 400,000 other people.
    Or descent mass transit, but why offer a solution when you can just complain about the problem...

  22. #197

    Default Re: Question: What are OKC drivers like compared to other cities?

    Quote Originally Posted by rezman View Post
    I haven't been up there in a while. ... I miss it.

    Here's one for you TheTravelers ...
    Thanks much, remember that wheel squeal all too well, woke me up when we were getting into the station (although I came into Union on the BNSF line, not Northwestern, which is where this was filmed). Going back to that area later this year, but unfortunately a visit to the wife's family in NW Indiana, not going to get into Chicago, most likely. :-(

  23. #198

    Default Re: Question: What are OKC drivers like compared to other cities?

    Quote Originally Posted by TheTravellers View Post
    Thanks much, remember that wheel squeal all too well, woke me up when we were getting into the station (although I came into Union on the BNSF line, not Northwestern, which is where this was filmed). Going back to that area later this year, but unfortunately a visit to the wife's family in NW Indiana, not going to get into Chicago, most likely. :-(
    BNSF is where we came in too, and AT&SF before that .... the line that came into town loosely following I-55 in from the southwest. Then we jumped over on to the 3 track speedway out to Berwyn or Downers Grove .... Spent a LOT of time in Berwyn though.

    Where this was taken. .... I used to train watch up on that bridge a lot as a kid.

    And this has absolutely nothing to do with motorists in OKC.

  24. #199
    Join Date
    Jun 2008

    Default Re: Question: What are OKC drivers like compared to other cities?

    But trains are cool. Getting around a tractor pulling three pups or two 52's can be like passing a train.

  25. #200

    Default Re: Question: What are OKC drivers like compared to other cities?

    Quote Originally Posted by rezman View Post
    BNSF is where we came in too, and AT&SF before that .... the line that came into town loosely following I-55 in from the southwest. Then jumped over on to the 3 track speedway out to Berwyn or Downers Grove .... Spent a LOT of time in Berwyn though.

    Where this was taken. .... Used to train watch up on that bridge a lot as a kid.

    And this has absolutely nothing to do with motorists in OKC.
    We lived in DG at Maple and 355, used the Belmont station (which I hear has been completely redone/remade, along with the surrounding streets, have to look at it in google maps), and yeah, that triple track was a speedway, I never ever ever crossed against the signals after seeing the trains fly through there when we first moved there.

    Eh, it was 200 posts, about time for a thread derail (ha, I kill myself)...

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