Quote Originally Posted by Zorba View Post
It might be better now, but right after it opened. I was downtown with my family and in-laws and was trying to get the tickets prior to the train coming. It was such a PITA system and I just about missed the train it took so long to buy 5 tickets. Also the machines would take your money even on free days and don't tell you kids are free.

I really don't mind paying for public transit, but the actual process of paying for public transit everywhere is terrible. Even in Korea, where the subway system is amazing, buying tickets is terrible, only think in the whole country that requires cash.
Paying for public transit in Argentina is amazing. You get a SUBE card, you put money on the card and you touch pay the card when you travel. It blew the hell out of everywhere I traveled in Europe. If you swipe the subway soany times in a month the rest of the rides in that month come at a reduced rate.

I think they even can now use NFC with their phone and can reload their account online.