Widgets Magazine
  • Austin-style BBQ coming to Midtown

    Waffle Champion proprietor Todd Woodruff will soon open Maples BBQ, featuring Central Texas style barbecue in a park-like setting.

    After many trips to Austin, Woodruff commissioned local designer and fabricator Larry Pickering to fashion a massive smoker from a propane tank and then put the whole thing on a trailer.

    Soon, a large concession trailer will join the smoker on the wooded lot directly north of Bleu Garten in Midtown.

    Pending final inspections, Maples should open in 2-3 weeks.

    To start, Maples will feature brisket, pulled pork, ribs, sausage and sandwiches. Sides will include macaroni and cheese, coleslaw and beans. Retro sodas and sweet tea will also be offered.

    For beer and other drinks, Woodruff hopes his customers will patronize neighboring Bleu Garten and vice versa.

    Initial hours will be 11AM to when they sell out from Wednesday through Sunday.

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