Widgets Magazine
  • Next Phase of Page Woodson development set to start

    The Oklahoma City Urban Renewal Authority (OCURA) is set to review plans for the next phase of the ambitious Page Woodson complex in northeast Oklahoma City.

    The historic three-level school is currently being renovated into 68 apartments with new construction of 68 units directly to the east in a four-story building. All 136 apartments will be for lower-income tenants.

    The developers, Colony Partners led by Ron Bradshaw, had also won the right to develop 4 additional blocks surrounding the school.

    Block 5 will be the next phase and plans call for 7 3-story apartment buildings which will offer a total of 35 units at market rates. There will also be 2,360 square feet of commercial space.

    Gardner Architects of Oklahoma City is doing the design work.

    Future phases call for more market rate housing, senior housing and commercial.

    The schools itself and adjacent building is scheduled for completion this fall.

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